
以前,脚気疑いの人をみた時の話。ほとんどアルコールしか飲まない生活をしている人が原因不明の乳酸アシドーシスで受診し,アルコール性ケトアシドーシスではなさそうで,おそらく脚気だろうと思いました。ビタミンB1投与で改善したように見えましたが,補充前の血液検査でビタミンB1低値は示せず,確定診断には至らなかったものの,血中ビタミンB1濃度は感度,特異度ともにイマイチらしいので,多分脚気だったと思っています。その時に,色々調べて,「衝心脚気」のことを英語でもShöshin Beriberiということを知りました。↓はタイトル未設定と表示されていますが,Shöshin Beriberiというタイトルの1960年のNEJMの記事です。

Shöshin is the Japanese term for acute cardiac catastrophe ("sho" meaning acute damage, and "shin" meaning heart).


The term beriberi is most probably of Oriental origin. It was first described in the Niching in 2697 B.C. The first report of beriberi in the Western literature was in 1642, by Jacob Bontius, who observed that the natives of Java used the term beriberi in referring to this disease.

で1959年発行のセシル内科学(A Textbook of Medicine)が引用されていました。紀元前2697年のNichingって何?そんな時代に解読されている文字ってあったっけ?

西洋の文献では1642年にJacob Bontiusが記述したとありますが,おそらく↓の人でしょう。オランダの内科医で熱帯医学のパイオニアで,オランダ領のバタビアで亡くなったようです。

え,1631年に亡くなってると思ったら,彼の死後1642年に出版された"Bontius' medical observations"に記載されているようでした。ジャワの原住民の言葉だったようです。

で,いつから衝心脚気(Shoshin beriberi)と呼ばれるようになったのか?と思って調べていくと,



A classic description of Shoshin beriberi, written by deLangen and Lichtenstein


・CD deLangen, A Lichtenstein (1st ed), A Clinical Text Book of Tropical Medicine, G. Kolff & Co, Batavia-C-Surabaya-Amsterdam (1936)




で"A Clinical Text Book of Tropical Medicine"を見つけ出し,"Beri-beri"の項目を読んでみました。これによると

Under the name of beri-beri is understood a disease which principally appears in those tropical and subtropical lands in Asia, Africa and America, where rice is the chief article of diet of the people.


Beri-beri has been known for centuries. BONTIUS gave an excellent description of it as early as 1642. The disease is most serious in Japan, China, the Philippines, British Malaya, British India and the Netherland
Indies; it may even at times spread in these countries almost as if it were an epidemic disease.

やはりBontiusがでてきました。Shoshin beriberiについて日本の著者がこの病気について詳しく記載した,とありますが誰が書いたかや引用文献などはありませんでした。衝心脚気の由来ついてはこれ以上,手がかりがありませんでした。鎖国時代のオランダとの交流から情報のやり取りがあったのかもしれません。


Beriberi means "I can't, I can't" in Singhalese, the language of natives of what was once part of the Dutch East Indies (now Sri Lanka).


beriberiが"I can't, I can't" ってことは

まず最初に言っておく ジョニィ

の「できるわけがない」を4回はberiberi beriberiということになるというわけですね。



It was first described in the Niching in 2697 B.C.

紀元前2697年のNichingって誰?が気になりだし,引用元のCecilを確認したくなり,そういえば,古い書物を探すのにInternet Archiveがあったなと思い出しました。



There is good reason to believe that the disease was described in the Niching (2697 BC).


同じくInternet archiveで今度は"beriberi"をキーワードに検索し,1913年発行の↓に

Many derivations of the word beriberi have been suggested. It may be the Singalese word beri, meaning weak. Reduplication of a word in languages of Malay origin accentuates its meaning or forms a superlative. Thus, according to this principle, beriberi would mean very weak or a great weakness.

諸説あるが,beriberiは,シンハラ語のberiがweakを意味する単語で,繰り返すことにより極度に弱っている状態を意味するのだろうと。"I can't, I can't"とちょっと違うような気もしますが,まあスゴく弱っていて,何もできない感じなのでしょうか。同書には↓のようにも書かれています。

Meyer-Ahrens derives the term beriberi from words in the Indian dialects, i. e., Bheree or Beri, meaning sheep in Hindostani from the fancied resemblance of the gait of persons so affected to that of a sheep. This same suggestion was made by Bontius in 1642, and was undoubtedly obtained by him from natives.


The earliest reference to beriberi is to be found, according to Macgowan, in the Neiching, which is said to be the oldest medical treatise extant, and is attributed to Hwangti (B. C. 2697).




John MacGowan (1835–1922) thought it was mentioned under the term “Kioh-Ki” in a fundamental treatise on Chinese medicine (“Huángdì Nèijīng) dating from 2600 BC: a more detailed description of beriberi as “Kak-ke” (from the Chinese word “Kiaku” for “leg” and “ki” for “disease”), appeared in another book (“Sen-Kin-ho”) written by the Chinese physician Son-Shi-Baku (640 AD) . 

(中国語とありますが,“Kiaku” は脚,“ki”は気で日本語でしょう)

Huángdì Nèijīngとは何かと思ったら「黄帝内経」か!黄帝は中国の神話伝説上の人物で三皇五帝の一人です。古い書物を色々調べた割に,2020年の総説に普通に書かれていました。


the Yellow Emperor, Huangdi's traditional reign dates are 2697–2597 or 2698–2598 BC.




"Epidemics and outbreaks of peripheral nervous system disorders: II. Toxic and nutritional causes"の文献には,語源は"weak, weak"の説がもっともよく受け入れられている仮説だが,他にも諸説あることが紹介されていました。

This disease was called “bharbari” in India and “buhr bari” (meaning “marine asthma”) in Arabia and Madras (India), later translated into “barbers” in English then “barbiers” in French , this later word being also used at least during two centuries in the European medical literature. These various terms had unfortunate consequences that contributed to maintaining (if not increasing) the initial misunderstanding about beriberi. Actually, Bontius used “beriberi” only for patients with paralysis, but never used it for those with generalized edema (due to cardiac involvement), the other main symptom of the disease that Bontius, however, mentioned as “frequent in India”. In fact, beriberi has long time been confused with other diseases, so various other terms were proposed to describe it, such the “hydrope asthmatico” of the Scottish Surgeon Colin Rogers (referring to the generalized edema then dyspnea observed in beriberi):  it was not until the beginning of the nineteenth century that “beri- beri” was linked to generalized edema. At that time, many authors called the severe paralytic forms “barbiers” (in Europe) or “kak-ke” (in Japan), whereas the less severe motor forms with edema were considered as “beriberi”. Nowadays, beriberi is divided into three forms: ‘dry beriberi’ (characterized by a sensorimotor, distal, axonal PN often associated with calf cramps, muscle tenderness, and burning feet), ‘wet beriberi’ (association of PN and high output congestive heart failure), and’ infantile beriberi’ (observed between 2 and 6 months of age, it may present with the cardiac, aphonic, or pseudomeningitic forms) .

特にBontiusは麻痺症状のある患者にしかberiberiという単語を使わなかったそうで,実は違う病気を指していたのかもしれません。あるいは現在でさえ,神経症状が主な"dry beriberi"と,心不全症状がメインの"wet beriberi"という同じ原因でもプレゼンテーションがまったく異なるので,同じ病気の違った表現型を見ていたのかも知れませんね。「チコちゃんに叱られる!」でも「諸説あります」と言っておけば許される感じになっていますし,諸説あるということがよくわかりました。


1642年に出版された"Bontius' medical observations"について。

Internet Archiveにありました。115-120ページ。


Affectus quidam admodum moleftus, hic homines infeflat, qui abincolis Beriberi (quod ovem fonat) vocatur. Credo quia quos malum iftud invafit niεlando genibus, ac elevando crura, . tanquam oves ingrediantur

→A certain very painful affection, here it inflates men, who by the natives of Beriberi (which sounds like a sheep) is called. I believe that those whom this evil has invaded by resting on the knees and by raising the legs go in like sheep

