


徳島県生まれ。武庫川女子大学薬学部卒業後、薬剤師国家資格取得し、都立広尾病院薬剤部で薬剤師、世界最大の広告会社WPPグループであるサドラー・ジャパンのメディカルライター職を経て、ニューヨークへ渡り薬学医療・予防医学について学ぶ。Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University ラトガース大学薬学部、大手ドラッグストアや独立系薬局など多数の薬局での研修や視察を経て帰国後、母の経営する有限会社サンコーファーマシー入社。2018年取締役執行役員に就任。現在、徳島文理大学薬学部にて特任講師も務める。








I would like to tell you about my profile and career, etc. in several times.
You can imagine what kind of person will be writing articles.

I was born in Tokushima Prefecture. After graduating from the Pharmacy department at Mukogawa Women's University, obtained a national pharmacist qualification, worked as a pharmacist at the Department of Pharmacy at Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital, and worked as a medical writer for Sadler Japan, the world's largest advertising company, WPP group. And then, I moved to New York for learning about pharmacy and preventive medicine.
After that I came back to Japan to join Sanko Pharmacy which is owned by my mother. In 2018, I assumed the post of director. I am a lecturer at the Pharmacy department of Tokushima Bunri University.
In October 2019, the private medical salon BILANX was opened in Tokyo.

This is a normal profile and career.

However, this profile and my background are not cool and doesn’t sound that good.

I will talk a bit about my true background.

Born in Tokushima Prefecture.
One of the tenants of a two-story tenant, I gave life to the world as the only child of a small pharmacy run by my mother alone. Now the small pharmacy has grown, both parents are managers, and people who I met after becoming an adult are often referred to as "preppy". However, I am far from the image of the word “preppy”. Both personality and background. If I talk, it will be long, and you would have question marks 100% if I omit that story, so I will tell it another opportunity.

Anyway, I was born as a small pharmacy daughter and stood at the pharmacy store with my mother's back since I was a baby. Basically, my toys were pharmacy products and cash register.
I remember that I was biting a box of drugs, which is a pharmacy product. I have a small memory about 1 year old. I especially remember the smell of the medicine box I was biting. When I was three years old, I had a lot of customers who played with my and took me a store to buy 100yen ice cream and snacks. When I was 6 years old, I was already watching the store alone. When I said “Hello! Can I help you?” from the off side of the showcase, Nobody noticed me because I was too small. I remembered the customers were looking around.
By the way, I didn't like watching the store alone. I was nervous because I was shy, and I didn't know much about medications or symptoms. Such my childhood.

I still remember all of them, the names, faces, and voices of many customers and dealers who have played with me. They are now old or are no longer in this world. But that memory makes my heart warm.

And my mother’s age at that time was close in age now. I always looked at my mother's back that she was working.
I never forget her wearing a white coat and I will never. 

My history is going on ... 

