




hi~I’m Haga. The fall semester has started! This semester, I’m really glad to take KADO, but I’m busy preparing for the seminar presentation. I’ll do my best...

Today, senior students who are Mizukisan, Risasan, and Shihosan graduate.

They always think about Beppaper and lead us softly.





So, in this column, we(junior members) interviewed seniors about how Beppaper was revived and our precious memories. Also, senior students give us messages and we write about enthusiasm.

Plz enjoy until the end of the column ne~~~




Firstly, we will track how the Beppaper was made.

ーWhat concepts & thoughts did they have when they started Beppaper?



Risa) My first class with Mr. Kotake was the inspiration for me to start as Beppaper. The thoughts and concepts were solidified as we went along. Mizuki and I started Beppaper at AP House, so we had a normal talk called a meeting.

Mizuki) There were people who had been active in the past, and the base and platform were already prepared, so we had a problem such as what project should we do.

-Welcome Shiho-san!!


Shiho) I had taken Professor Kotake's class and had heard about it. I hadn't joined any groups or anything at that time, so I was curious about the activities, and I received a real invitation from two people who lived on the same floor with me at AP House.



There are a lot of tasks to complete in one article. I really respect the fact that two & three people were doing too much work at the time.

-When did the concept make “Connecting people to people ”

みずき) もともと、Beppaperのコンセプトは固まっていなくてもっと広いテーマで作られていたのね。ある時、ズッキュンゴリラにインタビューした時に、お互いにやってること・やりたいことを話して、Beppaperのコンセプト決めに進んでいった気がするなぁ。



Mizuki) Originally, the concept wasn't as solid as it is now, and it was based on a broader theme. At one point, when I interviewed Zukkyun Gorilla, we talked about what we were both doing and what we wanted to do, and we moved to discuss the core concept.

Risa) As we talked about it in the meeting, it was based on the idea that through the interview, it would be nice if the person interviewed and the person who read it could connect somehow.

Shiho) We really talked together until we decided on the motto of Beppaper. We discussed and decided on the ideal content that we wanted to have in our articles.

ーWhat is your memorable interview?

しほ) 私が印象に残ってるのは、「別府のおすすめの場所」かな。みんな、色々答えてくれて、全然知らない場所を教えてくれたから実際に行ってみたりもしたの。3回生とか4回生とかに聞くと本当に美味しい所とかさ、教えてくれるじゃん。びっくりするくらい美味しかったから、今思えばそれが結構今の別府生活の参考になってるなって。そのインタビューは、直撃って感じだったけど、すごい印象に残ってます。

りさ) 結構昔なんだけど、colorsにインタビューしたよね。私がすごい気になるなって思ったから、代表の2人に話を聞いて。私が担当した記事なんだけど、いつもとはテイストを変えて記事を書いた記憶があって。。”記事”って感じになったから、自分的にはすごい印象に残ってる。今までと感じが違う、団体にインタビューにしたのは初めてだったし、学内新聞っぽいことやってるなぁと思ってテンション上がったなぁ。

みずき) 私は「みんなの夏休みを大調査」ってやつが印象に残ってる。ノートに一言を書いてもらったやつ。私的に、あのインタビューは特に色んな人に聞けた気がして。国際生も、国内生も、学年も。それが結構楽しかったなぁ。

Shiho) My memorable interview is “favorite place in Beppu”. Many students answered this interview and they told me a place where I didn’t know at all, so I went to this place after this interview. Junior and senior students told me about a really yummy restaurant. It's so delicious. I think my Beppu life is based on this interview. This is a non-appointment, but I am really impressed.

Risa) A long time ago, we interviewed APU colors. This was my idea and I wrote their column. I remember this because I changed my taste to writing this interview. It’s really real articles, and it was my first experience interviewing for an official organization. I feel like writing an on-campus newspaper, so I was really excited.

Mizuki)I really remember the “interview of everyone’s summer vacation”. Students write one word for a note. I think this interview could get information for various people such as international students, and domestic students, from freshman to senior students. It’s so fun~

-What was the best memory to spend time with the member??




2 years ago... We took a photo in APU

しほ) 私は、普段のミーティングかな。結構ゆるい感じでやってるじゃん。ミーティング前後で話すのもすごい楽しかった。コロナの前とかは、しゅんくんがミーティングの前とかにステーキ食べるのね。「また食べてるね」みたいないっつもカフェテリアでご飯食べてて、対面でやると会話が弾むから、自然とね。オンラインも楽しいけど、コロナ前の時はミーティング中に話してるのもすごい楽しかった。「今日のその帽子いい感じ〜」みたいなのも楽しかったな。

Risa)I have many many memories~~ I went to Kimuraya bakery and made bread with Mizuki. Also, we went on a mini trip! It was so fun~~

Mizuki)Yes. And I remember taking photos of many places. Two years ago, we took a photo under a tree on campus. We gathered just to take photos and after that, we disbanded immediately. That’s so funny lol.

Shiho)I think… A regular meeting is the best memory. We always do this very softly and not tight, so before a meeting, we chat about various topics such as Shunske’s dinner and someone’s fashion. Before COVID-19, we met face-to-face, so I remember meeting and chatting memories.





How was this interview??

We(Shunsuke and Haga)didn’t know the details of the beginning of Beppaper, so we were really glad to hear senpai’s real voice.

Also, senior students gave me messages! so please have a look at all ne~


The photo was taken on the Escalator.









Hi! It’s Mizuki.
For making this article, other members had a meeting and I and Risa and Shiho got intervened by Kazuma and Kentaro and left a comment for this.

Risa and I restarted Beppaper and I didn’t imagine that we would be like this big team (for me, 7 members are big) and I’m happy about this. For real.

I really enjoyed interviewing my friends and meeting new people, and mostly I felt lucky for making that kind of environment. Also, I think my interviewing skills had progressed...

I could feel our concept which is “to be a connection between people who are in articles and readers” through the growing process of Beppaper and I hope you guys enjoyed seeing us and our articles!

We started at a slow pace with Risa in our room but now we have “meeting” and sharing roles for making one article.

I’m looking forward to seeing what this team will be and I will try my best while having fun as well for new things💫



アセアセしながら書き始めたけど、出す順番でもそれぞれの個性が出てるなと思って微笑ましく感じるとともに、みんなが恋しくなりました。しっかりもののしほはやっぱり一番に出してて、最初にBeppaper を再開したわたしとみずきは割といつもゆるゆるしちゃう。




Hi, it’s Risa!
Mizuki and I were very last minute to write this last comment (I'm so sorry, everyone in charge of editing).

Even the order in which we put out our comments reflects each of our characters well, and it made me miss everyone. Shiho, who is always like an older sister, is always the first to finish writing the comments, while Mizuki and I, who started Beppaper first, always tend to stick to our own paces.

It was three years ago that Mizuki and I used to have "meetings" in my room at AP House. Even after Shiho joined us, we were still young as Beppaper. There were times when we had conflicting opinions, but the three of us worked hard together. Now, thanks to Kazuma and Kentaro, the future of Beppaper has become brighter!

As a member of Beppaper, I hope I have been able to help make connections between you, our readers, APU students, faculty, and the local community.

I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Beppaper (as a reader from now on!) and will do my best in my new environment.

こんにちは〜 しほです!




みんなで遠足に行ったのも楽しかったな〜 Beppaperを通して色んな経験もできました。





Hi〜 It's Shiho!
I'm not feeling graduation from Beppaper though feeling lonely a bit...

Since Mizuki and Risa invited me then I didn't belong to anything that's why I joined Beppaper!

It was enjoying to do meeting with a homelike atmosphere and talking with Beppaper members 😊

Also, an excursion was fun for me〜

I have experienced various things throughout Beppaper.

Writing articles and interviewing the person I want to know were the first time for me.

Spending time as a member of Beppaper is precious time because I experienced new things and have a fun time.

I really don't feel graduation from Beppaper and also that graduation from school has been closing. But I want to spend left time enjoying it!

Good luck to Beppaper members and readers⭐️





Now, the Senpai have shared many memories and reminiscences with us.

There are so many memories that it's hard for us to choose just one to write about, and we feel that the cooperation of the Senpai is essential behind the fun group. I really feel that the cooperation of our Senpai is essential to the success of this fun group.

Next, the four members of the new Beppaper will talk about their aspirations for the future, the Memories of our senior members, etc.

We would like to share with you our future plans, memories with senior members!!


新生Beppaper!! 誕生!!
The newest Beppaper menber!!

しゅんすけ/ Shunsuke




Yes, I'm 21 years old! I'm Shunsuke!

I first met the Beppaper members when they interviewed me for "What are you listening to now? It all started when I was interviewed on that day.

From there, they became interested in me and let me work as a member of Beppaper, and that's how I got here!

From now on, Beppaper will work to further expand our connections with you!

In this world where face-to-face interviews are difficult, we want to revive them little by little!

はがちゃん/ Haga chan






I have many many memories with senpai~~.

Beppaper is my favorite irreplaceable place. BIG LOVE~~~~

I wanna keep the Beppaper tradition and spread this more and more!

I cherish relationships with people and creating new Beppaper, so please continue to look forward to us ne~~

かずま/ Kazuma


At the beginning of being a member of Beppaper, I was really confused about what to do, what I can do as a member, but senpai supported me and appreciated helping me during the 1st year. . I couldn’t meet face to face with Risa san but it was a great experience for me that I could do some interviews with Senpai!

Compared to last year, the situation is good, we would like to respect the concept of 'Connecting people to people, and also make attractive articles!

けんたろう/ Kentaro


I remember they were talking about the graduation of senpai at the second meeting although I only introduced myself. Even just a little, it was nice to have a meeting with senpai!


ギャルポーズ IN Zoom ミーティング
Unique pose during the Zoom Meeting






That's all for today’s article.

I think it's the memorable graduation of Senpai who did the interview and is graduating after being interviewed by us.

We are very sad to see them go, but we'll continue to work as hard as the Senpai did!

Please continue to support Beppaper~!

今日のお話で出てきたリンク集/The links that are in today's article

Follow us!! :

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/beppaper_apu/?hl=ja

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/beppaperapu/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/beppaper_apu

