
A fashion brand for women with large breasts was flaming by radical feminists in Japan

*This article is automatically translated from Japanese to English.

I would like to express my opinion about the "HEART CLOSET" (a fashion brand for women with large breasts) and its president, Mizuki Kurosawa's tweets that have been flaming on the Internet.

This is because this is a story that I am involved in as a sort of "party" to.

It would be faster for you to see the pictures than to write about it in words.

Can you understand that it is not someone else's business?

I have bought clothes from HEART CLOSET because I really sympathize with the brand and President Kurosawa's purpose and activities. I am an office worker, so I was a little bit tall, but the clothes are really comfortable.

To tell the truth, I was a little nervous about creating my account before I started sending out photos or not.

For a long time now, I have never been on the sending side of the Internet. I have used various social networking sites, but mostly only for viewing (or reading), and at most to interact with real-life acquaintances. I think it was a peaceful way to use the Internet.

However, there was an incident that made me personally want to change my attitude, so here I am, facing my laptop.

I saw Ms. Kurosawa, the president, being exposed to mindless slander and abuse on Twitter. (Or should I say, I saw it...).

And first I felt sad and wondered, "Why should I be treated like this?" Then I was angry.

As I had confirmed in real time, here is a summary of the actual slander and abuse that Ms. Kurosawa received and the circumstances of the incident on Togetter.

In the meantime, let me briefly explain the background in this NOTE article.

First of all, an advertisement for "Monday of tawawa," a manga about large-breasted female characters, appeared in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Japan Economics Newspaper). From my point of view, at first glance, it was simply an announcement of the release of a new book, but a feminist group protested against it, claiming that the ad was promoting sexism.

When I first saw the blue illustration above the burning, I, like Ms. Kurosawa, thought, "What are you mad about?" I thought, "What are you mad about? I had an image of feminists as being angry at a swimsuit picture of a girl holding a beer or something. This girl looking back is wearing normal clothes. Her breasts are hidden by her arms.

I didn't even notice that she had large breasts at first.

I didn't even notice that she had large breasts at first, because at first glance, the breasts protruding from her left arm looked like they were part of her right arm. I looked at it again, trying to find the reason for the fire, and realized, "Oh, that's a breast.

In fact, there were many people like me who questioned the legitimacy of the protest by the feminist group, and a heated debate broke out on Twitter and in the Note section.

In the midst of this, Ms. Kurosawa, who runs "HEART CLOSET," tweeted the following opinion.

As you can see, Ms. Kurosawa read "Monday of tawawa" very calmly and pointed out the problems in the arguments of feminist organizations (women's organizations). I did not find any expressions that mocked or insulted feminist organizations, and I felt that it was a fair opinion and impression.

Of course, there are those who disagree with Ms. Kurosawa's opinion. People have different values, and conflicts and clashes of opinions are a natural part of life.

However, the following tweets did not seem to me to have any interactive attitude of "let's discuss" or "let's deepen our mutual understanding," but rather to just want to bash Ms. Kurosawa.

Even if they have different fundamental values and opinions on the matter, Ms. Kurosawa should not be subjected to this level of slander and verbal abuse.

And the slander and abuse is not limited to Ms. Kurosawa, but also extends to the women who "defended" "Monday no tawawa" and HEART CLOSET.

The words being hurled are almost the same. Honorary male, "women who indulge dick", otaku-community-princess (a woman who is not popular with the general public, but has a strong following in the relatively small community that mainly consists of geeks/nerds.), sexist.

The list goes on and on, and more bad words flood into the accounts of women who are treated as "traitors".

I would like to take one from above and state what I think about it.

First, as a practical matter, women with large breasts really struggle with the clothes they wear. You may often hear that having breasts that stick out "makes you look fat" (which is also true), but there are other problems as well.

For that, the illustration in the cartoon by "Puffy Borisat" is easy to understand.

Thus, we are left with what can only be described as "clothing that does not fit my body.

Because "Mr. fucking male who longs for a boob bag" is asking for it, the "boob bag" - or more correctly, "three-dimensional cutting to fit the shape of the breast" - is not made with the purpose of meeting that demand. Otherwise, it would be difficult to wear them as clothing.


It is natural that the purpose of "boob bag" as an illustration technique and "three-dimensional cutting to fit the breast shape" for real-life functionality and fashion are different from the very beginning.

HEART CLOSET" is one of the few fashion brands that can handle such problems.

To maximize the beauty of the body line you were born with. Three-dimensional cutting that conforms to a woman's body line, hidden buttons on the chest, cutting and silhouette, and elegant and luxurious design for any occasion. HEART CLOSET's clothes are designed with technology for women with large breasts.


HEART CLOSET is a brand that was originally started through crowdfunding. The brand was supported by many women with the same problems and raised 2.7 million yen, far exceeding the goal of 300,000 yen.

The brand has won the "Woman's Business Grand Prix Award of Excellence" and the "Women's Entrepreneur Challenge Award of Excellence" for its success in helping women with problems and as a business.

With the lack of opportunities for women to play an active role in Japan, it is no wonder that feminists are actively supporting her.

In fact, "as for me," I would like to strongly support her, which is why I have started a Twitter account and write articles in notebooks.

If we look objectively at the design of their clothes and their track record, it is obvious that HEART CLOSET's goal is not "to realize the boob bag that all the fucking males are longing for". If that were the case, they would have designed very tight clothes that would have stuck more snugly to the body and emphasized the wrinkles around the breasts.

I would also like to add this, but even if one wears clothes that are not three-dimensionally cut (or, to put it in terms of the above, clothes without "boob bag"), they are hardly treated by the public as "not emphasizing the breasts". In fact, as a person concerned, I would say that it would be treated as a more embarrassing way of emphasizing the breasts.

I mentioned earlier that clothing without a three-dimensional cut or other device "makes you look fat," but if you wear it forcibly, you will not become "a person whose breasts are not emphasized but who looks fat," but only "a person whose breasts are emphasized and who looks fat at the same time.

Did you know that Unless you are using corrective undergarments such as breast holders to squash your breasts, they are large to begin with.

Emphasizing" probably means "making them look bigger than they actually are. So, a shirt with "devilish" wrinkles gathered around the sides and the front of the shirt raised - doesn't this one look "emphasized" from the outside?

Realistically, the only way to avoid looking "emphasized" is to wear clothes that cover up or squash the lines of a very "lumpy" body.

In this situation, I am grateful to HEART CLOSET for providing clothes that even large-breasted women can wear comfortably and fashionably, and I sincerely hope that they will continue to make good clothes in the future.

Of course, I do not speak for all large-breasted women. This is just my opinion as an individual. I understand that some of the women involved may have felt offended by the content of Ms. Kurosawa's tweets, and that is not necessarily unfair, and there are reasons for that.

However, at the same time, I really wanted to let you know that there are people like me who want to support you.

If it is possible, I would like to see a society where everyone, regardless of breast size, does not have to go through painful experiences.

That is all I have to say.

I support HEART CLOSET and President Kurosawa.

HEART CLOSET 公式サイト| 胸が大きな女性のためのファッションブランド (heart-closet.com)

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