
[BTS V] グラビア(2023-08-09)


W Korea Vol.9 の表紙は特別です。WomanとManの2バージョンで発行されるからです。豊かな秋である程にいつにも増して多彩なVol.9の表紙を飾ったのは誰でしょうか? はっきりとした目鼻立ちに低音ボイス、突拍子もない純粋な魅力で全世界から愛される彼が誰なのか当ててみて下さい。より大きなヒントを差し上げるならば、間もなく彼のソロアルバムがリリースされるということ! 忙しい状況だが、最近まで十分休んだとし、「熱心に働くモード」に入った<W>Vol.9 表紙の主人公を映像の中のヒントから当ててみて下さい。20分後に公開します!

더블유 코리아 Vol.9 커버는 특별합니다. 우먼과 맨, 두 권이 발행되기 때문이죠. 풍성한 가을만큼 어느 때보다도 더욱 다채로운 Vol.9의 커버를 누가 장식했을까요? 뚜렷한 이목구비에 저음 보이스, 엉뚱하면서도 순수한 매력으로 전 세계의 사랑을 받는 그가 누구인지 맞혀보세요. 더 큰 힌트를 드리자면, 머지않아 그의 솔로 앨범을 만날 수 있다는 것! 바쁜 상황에도 최근까지 충분히 쉬었다며 ‘열일 모드’로 들어간 더블유 Vol.9 커버의 주인공을 영상 속 힌트를 통해 맞혀보세요. 20분 뒤에 공개합니다! @wkorea#editor_손정은 #editor_박예린 #editor_이예진
W Korea Vol.9 is more special than ever with Woman and Man, two respective volumes.
Guess who is on the cover of Vol. 9 in the bountiful fall season! Let me give you some hints. He‘s loved worldwide for his distinctive features, voice, and wacky yet pure charm. As an even bigger hint, his solo album is coming very soon! Use the clues in the video to guess who is on the cover of W Korea. Vol. 9! You will find out in 20 minutes!


<W> VOL.9カバーを飾る顔は防弾少年団(BTS)のV。
The cover star of W Korea Vol. 9 is V! V's colorful spectrum is spread over nearly 50 pages, including his very intimate interview。
#ヴィ #BTS #カルティエ #V #BTS #Cartier

<더블유> VOL.9 커버를 장식한 얼굴은 방탄소년단(BTS)의 뷔.
The cover star of W Korea Vol. 9 is V! V's colorful spectrum is spread over nearly 50 pages, including his very intimate interview.
#뷔 #방탄소년단 #까르띠에 #V #BTS #Cartier

午前10:20 · 2023年8月9日@wkorea

W Korea 2023 VOL.9
W Korea 2023 VOL.9
W Korea 2023 VOL.9

遂にベールを脱いだ <W Korea> VOL.9、今回カバーを飾るのは防弾少年団(BTS)のV。彼の初ソロアルバムのニュースが報じられるほんの数日前、<W>はソウルのとあるスタジオでVの現在を余す事なく捉えた。 W(Woman)とM(Man)の2つのバージョンで発行されるVOL.9には、正に今のVの肖像が多角的に盛り込まれている。彼の直近の本音を確かめることが出来るインタビューとともに、2冊に渡り繰り広げられたヴィの多彩なスペクトラムはなんと50ページ近い規模! <W>のカメラは、多くを語りかける彼の瞳や魅惑的な指、また、凛々しい後ろ姿までも逃してはいない。Vがカルティエの新しい顔として選ばれてから初となるグラビアであることがまた喜ばしい。更に多くのデジタルコンテンツが<W>デジタルチャンネルを通じて間もなく公開される予定。 Please Stay Tuned!

드디어 베일을 벗은 <더블유> VOL.9, 이번 커버를 장식한 얼굴은 방탄소년단(BTS)의 뷔. 그가 첫번째 솔로 앨범 소식을 알리기 불과 며칠 전, <더블유>는 서울의 한 스튜디오에서 뷔의 현재를 빈틈없이 포착했다. W(우먼)와 M(맨) 두 버전으로 발행되는 VOL.9은 바로 지금 뷔의 초상을 다각도로 담아냈다. 그의 가장 최근 속마음을 확인할 수 있는 인터뷰와 더불어 책 두 권에 펼쳐진 뷔의 다채로운 스펙트럼은 무려 50페이지에 가까운 규모! <더블유>의 카메라는 이야기가 많은 그의 눈동자부터 매혹적인 손가락까지, 또 늠름한 뒷모습까지 놓치지 않았죠. 뷔가 까르띠에의 새로운 얼굴로 호명된 이후 첫 화보라 더욱 반갑다. 더 많은 디지털 콘텐츠 역시 <더블유> 디지털 채널을 통해 곧 공개될 예정. Please Stay Tuned!

The veil of W Korea Vol. 9 has finally been lifted, and the face that graces the cover is BTS’s V! Just days before V announced the news of his first solo album, W Korea captured him in a studio in Seoul. In two respective editions, ‘W(Woman)’ and ‘M(Man)’, W Korea VOL.9 will show you a multi-faceted portrait of V. V’s colorful spectrum is spread over nearly 50 pages across two books, including his very intimate interview! W Korea’s cameras captured everything from his storytelling eyes to his seductive fingers to his majestic backside. It’s V’s first look since he was announced as the new face of Cartier, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you. More digital content will be coming soon through W Korea’s digital channels. Stay Tuned!

W Korea 2023 VOL.9


W Korea Vol.9 Vのデジタルコンテンツリリース日程を公開します。

W Korea Vol.9 뷔의 디지털 콘텐츠 릴리즈 일정을 공개한다.
We're announcing the release schedule for V's digital content in W Korea Vol.9. Stay excited for his upcoming contents.
#뷔 #V #BTS #BTS_V #방탄소년단

午後0:02 · 2023年8月11日@wkorea

2023-08-12   Fashion Film 01

2023-08-14   Selfie Booth

2023-08-15   Fashion Film 02

2023-08-20   Fashion Film 03

2023-08-22   Inside Story


2023-08-23   Eye Contact

2023-08-24  Behind Scene

ARENA Homme+

#制作支援 <ARENA>9月号表紙の主人公は卓越した存在感を放つ、防弾少年団のVです。眩しく輝く青春のシンボルそのものであるVの表紙、そして未公開のグラビアが盛り込まれた<ARENA>9月号を真っ先に手にし下さい!

#제작지원 <아레나> 9월호 커버의 주인공은 독보적인 존재감, 방탄소년단 뷔 입니다. 눈부시게 빛나는 청춘의 표상 그 자체인 뷔의 커버, 그리고 아직 공개되지 않은 화보가 담긴 <아레나> 9월호를 가장 먼저 만나보세요!
📚 http://bit.ly/45kvNkd
@BTS_twt @celineofficial #V #KIMTAEHYUNG

午前10:05 · 2023年8月9日@arenahommeplus

2023-08-09   Newsen記事(Kstyle)


V does POP 💥

From the portfolio -
‘A is for Adam Ant, B is for Billie Jean, C is for Celine’

V wears Celine by Hedi Slimane

Creative direction + styling by Helga Burrill. Photography by Hong Jang Hyun


V solo 💥 World exclusive 🔥

Special signed hardback edition
Available September

V wears Celine by Hedi Slimane

Creative direction + styling by Helga Burrill. Photography by Hong Jang Hyun


The most fashionable man in Asia and - sorry Harry - the Biggest Pop Star in the World today announced his debut solo album, ‘Layover’ 💥

V, the sexiest member of BTS, follows Elton John as a solo male POP cover. Our 30 page portfolio shows V channeling some Adam Ant, lots of New Wave leather angles and - screams! - London punk eye make-up

V wears Celine by Hedi Slimane

Creative direction + styling by Helga Burrill. Photography by Hong Jang Hyun


