【イギリス発音(Leicester)】|イギリスアクセントの宝庫 - British Library Sounds【ENG SUB】
生のイギリス人会話の宝庫 - British Library Sounds
British Library Sounds
英国図書館(British Library)が世界中から集めた音楽資料や文学資料、オーラルヒストリー、環境音などの録音データを無料で公開しているウェブサイトです。
イギリス国内の様々な州や特定の地域で録音された、生のイギリス人の会話を聴くことができるBritish Library Sounds。そしてこちらのBBC Voicesというカテゴリーでは、ぞれぞれの地域で日常的に話される言葉とアクセントに主に焦点が当てられています。
BBC Voices
※Google Chrome上でWebページを開き、拡張機能である「自動字幕起こし」を使うと会話を読み解くのに非常に便利です。
レスターアクセント(Leicester Accent)に触れる
その中から今回ピックアップするのは、イングランド中心部に位置する街、レスターに住む人々のアクセントです。会話の序盤では自分たちのアクセントについてや地元で使われている言葉、swear wordsなどについて、そして18:00~辺りから様々な感情・行動・人・物などを説明する際にどんな単語を使うかについて会話が展開します。
Conversation in Leicester about accent, dialect and attitudes to language.
・I’m happy or I’m pleased → I’m chuffed
・I’m tired → I’m knackered
・attractive → fit, well fit
・rich → loaded, minted
・poor → skint
・sofa → settee
・TV → telly
・sleep → kip
・toilet → loo
・raining lightly → spitting
・raining heavily → chucking it down, pissing it down
まず英語全般に言えること、一般的に知られている事実として、どんなアクセントであれ英語には必ずstressed syllable(強調される音節)があります。そのため、日本語を話している時と英語を話している時で、まるで別人であるかのように印象が大きく変わることも不思議ではありません。
レスター出身のバンド「easy life」のインタビュー動画。
easy lifeは2017年にレスターで結成された、オルタナティブインディーポップバンドです。
I'll see you next time!
A Mecca for Real British Accent
British English is renowned for its varied accents. I recently discovered a website that I'm sure attracts British accent fanatics, although I have no clue if there is anyone like that in the first place except for me.
British Library Sounds
British Library Sounds presents the Library’s extensive collections of sound recordings which come from over the world, for free. The collection includes music, literature, oral history and environmental sounds.
You can soak up real British people's conversations, recorded in various counties and certain cities all over the UK. In addition, BBC Voices features words or accents spoken today by locals in British cities.
BBC Voices
※ I would suggest you open the website on Google Chrome as their extension "Auto-Subtitle" will help you get a comprehension of the conversation.
Getting A Taste of Leicester Accent
I would like to introduce the accent spoken by people in Leicester, located in the heart of England. The host begins by asking people some questions and to discuss their own accents, the conversation moves towards local words and swear words followed by words to describe emotions, actions, people and things. (18:00~)
Conversation in Leicester about accent, dialect and attitudes to language.
Because the conversation took place among young people, you can come across informal expressions or slang, mostly used in the UK, too. So, let me write down and share some words or phrases below.
・I’m happy or I’m pleased → I’m chuffed
・I’m tired → I’m knackered
・attractive → fit, well fit
・rich → loaded, minted
・poor → skint
・sofa → settee
・TV → telly
・sleep → kip
・toilet → loo
・raining lightly → spitting
・raining heavily → chucking it down, pissing it down
The Impact of The Way People Speak and Their Accents
First thing first, I would like to remind you of the fact that English has a stressed syllable no matter which accent you have. When you are speaking English, you might realise that it makes you sound as if you are a different person from your Japanese self.
From my perspective, the Leicester accent has a relaxed vibe and it sounds somewhat classy yet casual to me.
Easy Life (stylised as easy life) are an English alternative indie pop group formed in Leicester in 2017.
I’m going to wrap up this article with my thoughts on English/accents. Since I have incorporated English into my daily life, I have had a sense of improvement in my social skills in Japanese too. To me, speaking English and getting to know about accents seems to bring out another side of me, and this has resulted in having a positive impact on me when using Japanese as well.
I endeavour to keep up with studying English and making progress.
I'll see you next time!
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