【イギリス発音(RP)】|#4 イギリス発音におけるステレオタイプ 【ENG SUB】
これはイギリスの上流階級の方々(アッパー・クラス)に多く見られる発音で、「upper-class accent(アッパー・クラス アクセント)」「upper-class RP」または「BBC Pronunciation」などと呼ばれます。人気YouTuberのだいじろーさんがイギリス人を真似する時も、よくこのアッパー・クラスアクセントで話されています。もちろん実際に使われていることには間違いありませんが、かなり少数派です。
次に紹介する動画は、以前も載せたことがある「Easy English」というチャンネルのストリートインタビュー動画で、イギリス人同士のリアルな会話を聞くことができます。
How Would You Describe 'British English'?
What image comes into your head when you think about 'British pronunciation'? Let’s first of all start by watching this video.
This is the accent that many British upper-class speak and is called either upper-class accent or upper-class RP or BBC pronunciation. One of the popular Japanese YouTubers, Daijiro, mostly speaks in this accent whenever he mimics British people. There is no doubt that it is certainly used in real life, but it is used by a significant minority of people.
Let’s go into a little more details of British accents or dialects.
The following video is about a British host who interviews people in the street in Brighton, called Easy English. You can listen to how British people talk to each other in real life.
You might notice each person in this video has a slightly different accent, but all would be considered British accents. As a British writer says this in his blog below; There are almost 40 different dialects spoken in the UK.
Do Not Get Stuck in Stereotypes and Enjoy the Language
Because we tend to be influenced by celebrities or the media, it’s easy for us to be biased towards a certain image of them. As the same as Japanese also has a thousand dialects across the country, British English is quite varied. There is no right or wrong accent no matter which accent you speak. It would be great if you acknowledge the wide variety of dialects and become open to interacting with anyone else. In an online English school, I enjoy guessing which country (or city) people are from by listening to their English. Why don’t you look for your favourite one?
I'll see you next time!