A total of 6 months of Childcare Leave at a startup! Engineer dad's real experiences. スタートアップで合計6ヶ月の育休!エンジニアパパのリアルな体験談
Hi! I’m Sakura Yagi and PR representative at Beatrust Inc. Thank you for always reading Beatrust on note. I interviewed Dan-san, an engineer who is planning to take Childcare Leave for a total of 6 months. We talked about the story up to and including the episodes during Childcare Leave. A must-read for anyone interested in working at a startup or planning to take Childcare Leave!Lastly, our human resources staff also has some comments about our system, so if you are involved in human resources at a startup, just take a look!
Beatrust 株式会社、PR のSakura Yagiです。いつも Beatrust on note をご覧頂きありがとうございます。合計6ヵ月育休を取得予定のエンジニアのDan-sanにインタビューしました。育休を取るまで、育休中のエピソードも含めお話しいただきました。スタートアップの働き方に興味をお持ちの方、育休を取得する予定の方は必読です!最後に弊社の人事担当からも制度についてのコメントもありますので、スタートアップで人事に携わる方もぜひご覧ください!
①First of all, congratulations on the birth of your child! Could you tell me how your feelings have changed since your child was born.
Thanks! Priority for family has increased, I realize how important it is to spend time with my family.Although it’s difficult to raise a child, I am glad to be raising my child as an equal parent with my wife. I’ve also grown closer with my wife’s family and with my parents in Canada. I’m looking forward to meeting with my parents in October.
I also appreciate Beatrust. When I joined Beatrust 2 years ago, I thought taking Childcare Leave would have had a much larger impact on the company, so I was glad to see we now have the structure and flexibility to accommodate members coming in and out of the team.
まずは家族に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。子どもが生まれたことで家族と過ごす時間の大切さを感じています。子育ては大変なこともありますが、妻とともに子育てすることができ、とても幸せです。 子どもが生まれたことで妻の家族やカナダにいる両親ともより親密になりました。10月に私の両親がカナダから来てくれるので楽しみです。
②When did you start planning for Childcare Leave?
We started planning immediately after a stable period.Since 2022, fathers are also allowed to take Childcare at Birth Leave (出生時育児休業), I decided to take the 4 weeks immediately after my wife left the hospital. I was able to experience all the things involved in raising a child, such as putting my child to bed, changing diapers, and feeding my child milk.
On my last day of Childcare at Birth Leave, we had the 1 month examination for the baby, so the timing worked out really well.I've been back for a few weeks now, and I'm planning on taking my second Childcare Leave after this.
The second part is the standard Childcare Leave (育児休業) and I’ve scheduled to take about 5 months off.
2022年から産後パパ育休(出生時育児休業)が認められるようになったので、妻の退院直後の 4 週間取得することにしました。退院直後から休みを取ったため、妻と同じスタートラインに立ち、寝かしつけ、オムツ替え、ミルクをあげるなど育児に関わる全てのことを経験できました。また子どもの1ヶ月健診にも立ち会うことができ、とても貴重な経験になりました。現在数週間復帰していますが、この後2回目の育児休業の予定です。2 回目は標準的な育児休暇 (育児休業) で、約5ヵ月取得予定です。
③What kind of conversations did you have with your family and company members?
With my wife, we discussed when it would be ideal for me to be around. This is our first child so there were a lot of things we didn’t know.
At work, I mainly talked with the HR(Yudai-san) and my manager(Andi-san).They also encouraged me to take the leave.Yudai-san explained what leave I was entitled to and how things like payment and tax deductions worked.
With Andi–san, we spoke about the duration and work assignment. Andi-san is from Germany, so we talked about the rate of Childcare Leave taken by German fathers. In 2021 the results were approximately 42% in Germany and 14% in Japan.
妻とは、いつから休みを取るのがベストか話し合いました。 初めての子どもで分からないことだらけでしたね。
④How did you spend your first Childcare Leave? Could you tell me if you have any plans for a second Childcare Leave?
The first 4 weeks of leave were spent learning about our child, how frequently the baby needs to eat, sleep, and poop, and trying to work out a schedule of how we can both be available for our child while still having time to sleep.Since I prefer nights, I usually stay awake from 8pm. to 3am. while my wife sleeps, and then my wife would take over from 3am to 8am while I sleep.
I've noticed something interesting over the past four weeks.
The first is a “3 hour cycle”. The baby had a cycle of waking up, drinking milk, and going back to sleep almost every three hours. This is a new discovery that suggests that babies may have a more stable biological clock than adults.
The second is a powdered milk preference. Some of them make my baby feel satisfied and sleep for 3 hours after drinking milk, while others wake up right away when my baby is hungry.
We tried many different types of baby formula to find one that makes our child feel satisfied and sleepy.Our child seemed to like powdered milk called "Hohoemi" lol
I believe that these discoveries were possible because I was able to spend enough time with my child.For the second leave from October, which is much longer, we’ll try to focus on making new memories together as a family. We plan to try some short trips (Okinawa, or road trips to somewhere nearby). I also plan to try speaking more English at home, so my child can start getting used to a different language.
④初めての育児休暇はどう過ごしましたか? 2回目の育児休暇での予定があれば教えてください。
最初の 4 週間は、とにかく生活リズムを整えることに必死でした。子どもがどのくらいの間隔でお腹が空き、眠くなり、オムツを変える必要があるかを記録して、妻と私の睡眠時間を確保できるようスケジュールを立てていました。私は夜型なので午後8時〜午前3時まで私が面倒をみて、午前3時〜午前8時までは妻に交代する、というスケジュールにしていました。
こういった発見も子どもと向き合う時間をしっかり取れたからこそだと考えています。10月からの2回目の休暇は、家族で沖縄旅行や近場へのドライブに行く予定です。 また日本語と英語の両方に慣れてもらうために、英語でもたくさん話しかけていきます。
⑤Lastly, could you give a message to employees who will be taking Childcare Leave in the future?
I think Japan has generous labor laws with regards to Childcare Leave, but feel that the number of fathers who take paternity leave is quite low due to some societal issues. I wish every father could take Childcare Leave, but if I was the sole provider for my family, I don’t think it would be realistic to take a long leave with the salary reduction. Some fathers feel pressure from their company to not take leave, fearing it may negatively impact their careers. I believe this situation can improve if more fathers take leave, making it a normal thing.
You can always make more money and continue your career in the future, but the first weeks and months of your child’s life cannot be experienced again.You can witness many once-in-a-lifetime moments when your child smiles, speaks, or stands up for the first time.
I understand that some people find it difficult to consult about taking Childcare Leave, but for your own sake and that of your family's, just consult with your team as soon as possible.
In the future, I hope that the term "ikumen" will no longer be required, and that we will see a society where both fathers and mothers raise their children together, and where this is accepted.
日本は育児休暇に対する法律は整備されていますが、育児休暇を取得する父親の数はかなり少ないと感じています。すべての父親が思う存分、育児休業を取得できれば良いですが、家族を養わなければならないことを考えると、現実的には難しいのかなとも思います。 また、父親の中には、育児休暇を取ると自分のキャリアや昇進に影響があるのではないか、職場の雰囲気を考えると育児休暇なんて取れない、と感じている方もいると思います。1人では難しいかもしれませんが、もっと多くの父親が休暇を取得し、それが当たり前のことになってくれれば、この状況は改善されると思います。
お金を稼ぐこと、キャリアを続けることは後からいつでもできますが、子どもとの時間を巻き戻すことはできません。 初めて笑ってくれた、しゃべってくれた、立ち上がった、という一生に一度しかない場面に立ち会うことができるのです。育児休暇取得の相談しづらいと感じていらっしゃる方もいると思いますが、ご自身のためにもご家族のためにも早めに相談してみてください。将来的には「イクメン」という言葉もなくなり、父親も母親も一緒に子育てする社会、その姿を受け入れられる社会になってほしいなと思います。
⑥We received comments from Dan-san's family and Yudai-san from HR.
(From wife)
Thanks to Childcare Leave, my husband and I were able to consult and work together to raise our child from the first day I was discharged from the hospital. It was really good!
(From HR Yudai-san)
Congratulations, Dan-san!
We offer flexible work styles that suit changes in life stages and want our employees to be active for a long period of time. As we are an early-phase startup, we currently do not have the generous welfare benefits available as major companies. However, we have worked to create systems that enable flexible work styles, including general systems such as Childcare Leave and Nursing Care Leave. (https://corp.beatrust.com/careers)
Especially when it comes to systems that involve time off, such as Childcare Leave, I feel that it is important to make an atmosphere that makes it easy for employees to take time off. In the case of Japanese companies, there are many cases where employees feel that although they have a system, it is difficult to use it. I think one way is for executives, managers, and human resources to actively support the use of the system, and sometimes take the initiative in acquiring it. I myself am a father of two children, and I took Childcare Leave at my previous job and the one before that.
Dan-san was the first person at our company to take Childcare Leave.Therefore, to be honest, the practical operations were developed in line with the acquisition of Dan-san certification. However, an atmosphere in which it is easy to take time off has already been made, and the company is filled with messages of support for Dan-san's fatherhood. Of course, whether or not to take Childcare Leave is up to the individual and their family's decision, and we respect that decision to the fullest. Based on this, if an employee wishes to take Childcare Leave, the company will continue to establish a system to provide maximum support.
(HR Yudai-sanから)
当社は、ライフステージの変化に合わせた柔軟な働き方を用意し、社員に長期間活躍してもらいたいと考えています。アーリーフェーズのスタートアップなので、大手企業並みのリッチな福利厚生は現時点では用意できていません。しかし、育児休業や介護休業といった一般的な制度をはじめ、柔軟な働き方を可能とする制度づくりに取り組んできました。(https://corp.beatrust.com/careers) 特に育児休業などの休みが関係する制度は、「休みを取得しやすい雰囲気」を醸成することも重要だと実感しています。日本企業の場合は、「制度はあるが利用しづらい…」と従業員側が感じるケースは少なくないのではないでしょうか。経営層やマネージャー、人事が積極的に制度活用を後押ししたり、時には率先して取得することも方法の一つだと思います。私自身も2人の子どもを持つパパですが、前職、前々職で育児休業を取得しました。
Since its founding in 2020, Beatrust is an early-stage startup where members who have gained experience at various global companies and startups in Japan and abroad work while stimulating each other every day. Recently, employees with wonderful backgrounds have been joining us one after another. Just look forward to the next series!
Beatrust has grown to 26 full-time employees as of September 2023. While maintaining diversity and inclusion, we will take on the challenge of enabling employees to work more autonomously and flexibly. We will provide information that will give you a feel for Beatrust's people, products, and things, so if you are even slightly interested, please follow this “Beatrust on note” page. Please also check out our other articles and news releases.
Thank you for your continued support of Beatrust.
(Request) If you would like to request an interview with Beatrust or have any other inquiries, please contact “pr@beatrust.com”.
We are currently receiving a large number of inquiries and it may take some time for us to respond. Thank you so much for your understanding.
いかがでしたでしょうか? Beatrust は、2020 年に創業して以来、国内外のさまざまなグローバル企業やスタートアップなどで経験を積んだメンバーが、お互いを刺激し合いながら日々仕事をしているアーリーステージのスタートアップです。最近も素敵なバックグラウンドを持った社員が続々と参画してくれています。次回の連載もお楽しみに!
Beatrust は、本日 2023.9 月時点で、正社員 26 名まで成長してきております。Diversity and Inclusion を保ちつつ、社員がより自律的・機動的に働くことを可能にするための取り組みにチャレンジしてまいります。Beatrust のヒト・モノ・コトを感じていただけるような情報をお伝えしていきますので、少しでも興味を持っていただけましたらこちらの “Beatrust on note” をぜひフォローください。また、よろしければ他の記事やニュースリリースもご覧ください。今後とも Beatrust をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
(お願い)Beatrust への取材依頼や各種お問い合わせは、お手数ですがpr@beatrust.com までお願い申し上げます。現在多くのお問い合わせを頂いており、回答までお時間をいただく場合がございます。あらかじめお含みおきください。