インターネット調査室: 「As Japanese manufacturing fades, a factory town fights to stay alive」
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いや〜 ロイターって本当日本のことをよく見ています(笑)。
Reuters: 22 Aug,2022
「As Japanese manufacturing fades, a factory town fights to stay alive」: これって、日本の新聞社が書くことだと思います。
The small factories in the western Japanese city of Higashiosaka
Home to about 6,000 firms, 87% of which have fewer than 20 employees, the city is emblematic of how such forces are pushing Japan's small manufacturers toward a tipping point.
in recent years in the face of competition with South Korea and China; when Taiwan's Foxconn acquired Sharp in 2016, it moved much of the company's manufacturing out of Japan.
The amalgam of issues that Higashiosaka faces – an ageing population, offshoring, and a sagging currency - mirror the problems
"It's like being the frog being slowly boiled alive," said Hiroko Kusaba, CEO of Seiko SCM. "We all believed that the big brands would always protect us, but that's just not the case anymore."
Competition isn't the way to survival. We have to join forces instead
Japan's manufacturing has traditionally been dependent on selling value-added products, in which a weak yen boosts profits. But that no longer seems true, Aoki said.
ま、ともかく、既に記事の中で指摘されていますが、工場も海外へ行き、コロ ナで観光業も不調にて「¥」安なら儲かりそうな時代はとうの昔に終わっていますね。
検索キー: As Japanese manufacturing fades, a factory town fights to stay alive