インターネット調査室: 「Russian TV airs apparent deepfake video of Putin ordering martial law amid reports Ukraine is on the attack」 <ー 現代風の情報操作、ロシアのフェイク戒厳令

今回は「Russian TV airs apparent deepfake video of Putin ordering martial law amid reports Ukraine is on the attack」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Insider: 6 Jun,2023

「Russian TV airs apparent deepfake video of Putin ordering martial law amid reports Ukraine is on the attack」: 誰かがやらかすとは思っていました。

A fake Putin declared in a video address that Ukraine's army invaded Russia and he's ordering martial law.


The fake video was aired, due to a reported hacking, in border areas where anxiety is already high.


Russian President Vladimir Putin whose emergency address was broadcast into some Russian homes on Monday. The deep lines in the 70-year-old leader's furrowed brow seemed to disappear too smoothly as his expression changed.

That's because it was apparently a fake, and a stunning one at that.

ロシアの混乱もここまで来ました。 ついに、やっちまったー というかんじです。 

Ukraine's army has entered three border regions where he's declaring martial law and urges listeners to "evacuate deep" into Russia. Some TV and radio stations in these areas aired it due to what Russian officials called a hack; they did not identify any culprits.


Russians, brothers and sisters, today at 4 am, Ukrainian troops armed by the NATO bloc with the consent and support of Washington invaded the territories of the Kursk

だとー?  何をいっている!?



検索キー: Russian TV airs apparent deepfake video of Putin ordering martial law amid reports Ukraine is on the attack
