インターネット調査室: 「Maps of Vladimir Putin’s secret underground lair leaked」 <ー プーチン大統領、周りが見えてないですね

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The  Telegraph: 19 May,2023

「Maps of Vladimir Putin’s secret underground lair leaked」:  重要なのは、隠れ家の場所ではなく、この手の情報が暴かれて リークする人物が回りにいることですね。


Vladimir Putin had a massive underground lair built beneath his secret palace by the Black Sea, according to plans posted online by the engineering firm behind the project.

も〜 あー あー です。

The existence of the tunnels, first reported by Business Insider, is only known about because the defunct Russian construction firm that built them posted diagrams online as proof of the excellence of their work.


Reinforcing the walls are 15-inch concrete shells and the entire underground complex spans 6,500 square feet.


An anonymous digger who said he belonged to a group called “Sect Z” told Business Insider that he was sharing the images “because we are tired of Putin’s stupid face and want to show his paranoid underground transport”.


Shortly after Mr Navalny’s investigation, Arkady Rotenberg, a billionaire childhood friend of Mr Putin, came out to claim the property belonged to him and the president had nothing to do with it.


“The whole Gelendzhik palace is a monument to excessive luxury – with everything else you’ve got, why shouldn’t you have a travelator to take you to the beach?” said Mr Galeotti.



検索キー: Maps of Vladimir Putin’s secret underground lair leaked
