インターネット調査室:  「South Korea suspends military agreement with North Korea」

今回は「South Korea suspends military agreement with North Korea」について見ていきましょう。

dpa  international:   4  Jun,2024
「South Korea suspends military agreement with North Korea」

South Korea's government has approved the suspension of an agreement with North Korea on détente measures, clearing the way for the resumption of all military activities along the heavily fortified border between the two countries.
In September 2018, the two sides agreed a series of measures as part of a temporary rapprochement aimed at avoiding incidents along the heavily defended border.


There have been increasing tensions on the Korean peninsula over the past few months. South Korea recently warned North Korea of harsh countermeasures after balloons carrying refuse were sent over the border.


South Korea's military also accused its neighbour of jamming the GPS satellite navigation system in the border region.


South Korea suspended parts of the agreement in November due to the launch of a spy satellite by North Korea. Pyongyang then announced that it would no longer honour any parts of the agreement.

コメントのしようがないのですが、Youtube 李相哲TV(朝鮮半島専門CH、李相哲さん: 日本で大学教授職、かなりデープな北朝鮮分析で有名)によると、どうも南が

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検索キー:  South Korea suspends military agreement with North Korea
