
インターネット調査室:  「Russians and Ukrainians are traveling to Mexico, buying cheap cars and driving them across the US border to claim asylum, says report」

今回は「Russians and Ukrainians are traveling to Mexico, buying cheap cars and driving them across the US border to claim asylum, says report」について取り上げました。

Bussiness Insider: 6 Mar,2022

「Russians and Ukrainians are traveling to Mexico, buying cheap cars and driving them across the US border to claim asylum, says report」:  メキシコで車を買ってアメリカへ行き亡命申請? ま〜 今の状態だと自分の国に帰れないのはわかるのですが、驚いたニュースでした。


検索キー: Russians and Ukrainians are traveling to Mexico, buying cheap cars and driving them across the US border to claim asylum, says report
