インターネット調査室: 「China's green leap forward is a nightmare for Saudi Arabia and Russia」

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The  Telegraph: 7 Apr,2023

「China's green leap forward is a nightmare for Saudi Arabia and Russia」:  ?

The existential threat to Saudi Arabia and the OPEC cartel comes from China, not from net zero or from green deals in the West.


Chinese sales of petrol and diesel cars fell 20pc in absolute volume terms in February from a year earlier. 

と言っても、そんな思っているように行くんですかね~ 行くならCO2が減りますが。

Sales have surged despite the elimination of subsidies at the end of last year. China’s best-selling EV is the BYD Song Plus, which retails for about £22,000. Number two is the smaller Wuling Mini. It starts at around £4,000 (not a misprint).


The consensus forecast until recently was that EV penetration would reach 40pc of Chinese sales by 2030. 


Opec maintains the fiction that oil demand will keep booming until the middle of the century, but this is based on the obsolete premise that Asia's rising middle class will more than compensate for declining imports in Europe and America.

ん〜 そうはいってもぜき油の時代は節目が近い気もします。年十年ベースだとはおもいますが。

検索キー: China's green leap forward is a nightmare for Saudi Arabia and Russia
