インターネット調査室: 「Putin says he's 'ready to offer' allies, including in Latin America, the 'most modern' military weaponry」 <ー ありえますね

今回は「Putin says he's 'ready to offer' allies, including in Latin America, the 'most modern' military weaponry」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Fox news: 18 Aug,2022

「Putin says he's 'ready to offer' allies, including in Latin America, the 'most modern' military weaponry」:  基本、今回のウクライナロシア戦争を見ると、ロシア製の武器のレベルが明らかになり、ロシアが

Russia sincerely cherishes the historical strong, friendly, truly trusting ties with the states of Latin America


Putin added that "almost all" of the weapons he is willing to sell across the globe have been used more than once in combat and claimed that the Russian-made products are superior to those made by his foreign rivals.

ただ、仮に受注しても部品どうするのでしょう? 今ですら故障した兵器を修理すらできない状態なのに。

Rebekah Koffler, a former U.S. DIA intelligence officer focused on Russia and the author of "Putin's Playbook: Russia's Secret Plan to Defeat America," told Fox News Digital that Putin’s comments show his desire to push his country’s influence all over the world.


Koffler said that Putin is telling the world that he believes Russia’s "value system is superior"


While Koffler acknowledged that Russian weapons may not be as sophisticated as U.S. weapons in all areas


Russia ranks second only to the United States with arms sales of around $15 billion a year, nearly a fifth of the global export market.



"It's not just Latin America, but it's all over," Koffler said of Putin's plans to ship weapons to allies. "It's China, North Korea, and Iran as well."


"threat in the long term" to "kill Americans."

というところですか?  当然、アメリカ国民だけでなく同盟国人も含むと思いますが...


検索キー: Putin says he's 'ready to offer' allies, including in Latin America, the 'most modern' military weaponry
