インターネット調査室: 「North Korea says attempt to launch first spy satellite ends in failure」 <ー 黒幕の存在を感じます、現実的な話は不思議だらけ
今回は「North Korea says attempt to launch first spy satellite ends in failure」について見ていきましょう。
Military Times: 31 May,2023
「North Korea says attempt to launch first spy satellite ends in failure」: お〜
North Korea said its attempt to put the country’s first spy satellite into orbit failed Wednesday
The statement published in state media said the rocket carrying the satellite crashed into waters off the Korean Peninsula’s western coast after it lost thrust following the separation of its first and second stages.
The South’s capital city of Seoul issued alerts over public speakers and cellphone text messages telling residents to prepare for evacuation.
The Japanese government activated a missile warning system for its Okinawa prefecture in southwestern Japan, believed to be in the path of the rocket.
It is not clear if a North Korean spy satellite would significantly bolster its defenses. The satellite disclosed in the country’s state-run media didn’t appear to be sophisticated enough to produce high-resolution imagery.
North Korea says its testing activities are self-defense measures meant to respond to expanded military drills between Washington and Seoul that it views as invasion rehearsals. U.S. and South Korean officials say their drills are defensive and they’ve bolstered them to cope with growing nuclear threats by North Korea.
あまり関係ないのでは? 軍事演習などしなくともテストはするでしょう。 そもそも、今打ち上げるということは、米韓合同演習をしていない時期に開発していたということでしょう? 衛星って、そんな簡単には作れませんよ。
The U.N. imposed economic sanctions on North Korea over its previous satellite launches, which it views as covers for testing its long-range missiles.
そもそも、この開発資金はどこから来ているのか謎です。 ビットコインを盗んだぐらいでは、賄えないと思います。 スポンサーがいてもおかしくないですね。
大体、世界の金融業界の覇者が北朝鮮に対しスイフト(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication SC)なども使えないはずなのにこれだけの開発資金を動かせるのは、相当の黒幕がついている気がしま
検索キー: North Korea says attempt to launch first spy satellite ends in failure