「Putin says it'll likely be years before the West can cut itself off from Russian oil and natural gas」

今回は「Putin says it'll likely be years before the West can cut itself off from Russian oil and natural gas」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Insider:  13 Jun,2022

「Putin says it'll likely be years before the West can cut itself off from Russian oil and natural gas」: いや〜 足元を見られていますね~ 欧州ちゃん。 現実、原子力発電イヤ、火力発電イヤと言っても、風力発電&太陽光発電は緯度が北過ぎて機能せず、ロシアから安いガス&石油にたよりすぎていましたからね〜

近い将来、輸入元をきりかえるといってもど〜だかね~ という感じです。

The gains in energy prices could bring sales of Russian oil and gas to $285 billion this year — 20% higher than the country's $235.6 billion takings from oil and gas in 2021, according to a Bloomberg Economics report earlier this month.



検索キー: Putin says it'll likely be years before the West can cut itself off from Russian oil and natural gas
