インターネット調査室: 「Smoking away your pay check: Japanese workers disciplined for puffing on the job」 <ー 相変わらず、日本は変な意味でも注目の的(苦笑)
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Yahoolife!: 24 Mar,2023
「Smoking away your pay check: Japanese workers disciplined for puffing on the job」: あ〜 あ〜 こんな気になっちゃって。
Three Osaka Prefectural Government workers in Japan got in trouble for smoking on the job after they were caught taking smoke breaks more than they should.
Of the three, the biggest offender was a 61-year-old employee who was found to have lighted up a cigarette for a total of 4,512 times in the past 14 and a half years while he was on the job. That's equivalent to smoking for 355 hours and 19 minutes during business hours.
For his deeds, the man not only got a six-month salary cut but also was also ordered to return 1.44 million yen (around S$15,000) of his wages.
In September 2022, the prefectural government’s human resources division received an anonymous tip that the three employees were secretly stashing tobacco.
They were summoned by their supervisor and warned that they may face consequences should they get caught smoking again. However, undeterred by the warning, the three went on to continually smoke and lied about it when interviewed in December 2022.
The Osaka government say it's a violation of public servants' duty of devotion to work under the Local Public Service Act to smoke during work hours.
なんだかね~ もー
検索キー: Smoking away your pay check: Japanese workers disciplined for puffing on the job