インターネット調査室: 「Indonesia sends warship to monitor Chinese coast guard vessel」
今回は「Indonesia sends warship to monitor Chinese coast guard vessel」についてコメントさせていただきます。
Reuters: 14 Jan,2023
「Indonesia sends warship to monitor Chinese coast guard vessel」: インドネシアは、契約を守らない国です(韓国との共同戦闘機開発契約の支払停止、日本企業のジャカルタ地下鉄完成で後、円借款なのに契約金をしはらわない、個人的にインドネシアのプロジェクトに関わったことがありますが、スタートが3年遅れででした(苦笑)、などなど。)。
インドネシアは、中国の不法漁船は躊躇なく爆破します。 数年前に派手にやり、画像を公開していました。
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia has deployed a warship to its North Natuna Sea to monitor a Chinese coast guard vessel that has been active in a resource-rich maritime area, the country's naval chief said on Saturday of an area that both countries claim as their own.
A warship, maritime patrol plane and drone had been deployed to monitor the vessel, Laksamana Muhammad Ali, the chief of the Indonesian navy, told Reuters.
"The Chinese vessel has not conducted any suspicious activities," he said. "However, we need to monitor it as it has been in Indonesia's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) for some time."
検索キー: Indonesia sends warship to monitor Chinese coast guard vessel