
【English Composition Practice Book】How to read a book that seems to be quite effective

Today, I would like to talk about how to read a book, that is, when you read a book with the intention of learning something from it.

Books are very useful for acquiring knowledge and skills, aren't they?

And if you're going to read anyway, it's important to read a good book, but at the same time, "how to learn" is also important.

So, below, I would like to introduce a way to read a book that seems to be quite effective.

I will narrow it down to three points and explain it very simply, so please relax and read.

■ Tip 1

First of all, read normally and enjoy it, read while taking notes, and underline in red.

Well, that's the basics, isn't it?

Everyone does it.

However, by having the following two perspectives, you will get much more out of it.

■ Tip 2

Read with the assumption that you will tell someone about the contents of the book.

For example, it doesn't matter who it is, whether it's a friend or family member, but if you read with the intention of telling someone your impressions or expressing your opinion, it will change the way you see and feel things.

■ Tip 3

Read with the awareness of how you would write it.

No matter how popular a book is, there is no right answer when it comes to writing.

It should be possible to develop it into various patterns.

If you read while thinking about how you would write it, or how you could approach it, you will learn and realize more.

I also think it is effective to try to analyze it a few times.

If there is a book that you really like, or a book that you don't like, it might be interesting to analyze it a little.

Font size, line spacing, margins, illustrations, paper quality, etc.

Even in such places, the editor's thoughts and ideas should be packed in.

It's just this one thing, but I think it will change the feeling after reading it a lot.

If it doesn't change, just accept that it didn't suit you and give up, and find another way, so don't worry too much.

Well, give it a try, even if you think you've been tricked.

Of course, I don't mean to trick you.

You can also read a book carefully in one go from multiple perspectives, or you can pick out only the chapters you like and read them carefully.If you find a book that you really like, it's a good idea to read it several times (maybe three times) from a different perspective.

I'm sure you'll discover a lot of new things.

So, have a great autumn of reading!


「[必修編] 英作文のトレーニング」Z会編集部(編)

「自由英作文編 英作文のトレーニング 改訂版」成田あゆみ(著)

「実戦編 英作文のトレーニング 改訂版」Z会編集部(編)

「[はじめる編] 英作文のトレーニング 新装版」渡辺寿郎(著)
