
【Couldn't there have been a better way?】There were other ways. And there still are.


There are countless ways to do it, options, possibilities.

We need to make decisions because we don't know the outcome.

If we knew, there would be no need for us to make decisions.

Life is a series of decisions.

What to do or not to do.

Which to choose, which not to choose.

From the myriad of choices that exist, we must choose only one.

Looking at the countless paths to the future, we must decide where to go and how to proceed.

We must think about it, make a decision, and walk.

People can make “decisions” in their own lives.

They can be determined to accomplish something and work hard to achieve it.

Or one can choose to do nothing, to do nothing.

Or one can choose to do nothing, to give up, to abandon.

These are all fine choices.

How will that decision affect the future?

At this point in time, there is no one who can know that.

The future is uncertain.

No one can know the outcome of a decision until he or she holds the outcome of the future in his or her hands.

Just because you have made a decision does not mean that you will get the result.

However, only when we make a “decision” can we have the possibility of grasping the result.

That is why it is important to make a decision.

From the endless possibilities of choices, let us choose the decisions that will lead us to the future.

We are free to choose.

We can choose any way we want.

We have the right to choose our own actions.

Even if others throw words of judgment, negativity, and condemnation at us, we have the right to choose our own actions.

Ultimately, it is we who determine our own actions.

You can follow others, or you can be yourself.

There are countless choices available to us.

We are driven only by our decisions.

The outcome is also up to us.


「[必修編] 英作文のトレーニング」Z会編集部(編)

「自由英作文編 英作文のトレーニング 改訂版」成田あゆみ(著)

「実戦編 英作文のトレーニング 改訂版」Z会編集部(編)

「[はじめる編] 英作文のトレーニング 新装版」渡辺寿郎(著)
