【行った国 その10)イタリア共和国 🇮🇹 Repubblica Italiana】すっかりトスカーナ赤ワイン🍷ファンになって仕舞いました。
1 フィレンツェ
2 ジェノバ
3 ローマ
4 ナポリ
5 ミラノ
今でも忘れられないのジェノバの会社のQC担当マネージャーのイタリア🇮🇹人(申し訳なくも名前は失念)『普段はノンビリしてるイタリア🇮🇹人も10年に一度、相手次第で、本気で仕事する事がある。今日がその日だよ ! 』と車載コンピューターの立会試験日の朝言われたのを鮮明に覚えてます。
Visited Country Part 10
Italy Republic. 🇮🇹
Repubblica Italiana
The town I went in Italy
1 Florence
2 Genova
3 Rome
4 Naples
5 Milan
Other, there are several places.
The longest stay town was in Florence where Lucca and Marco were there. I enjoyed Tuscany red wine 🍷 that time then I became ワイン🍷fans due to a long stay here. There were Michele and Monica in Genoa, and Fabio, Sabrina and Antonio were in Rome. Everyone is my good Italian friend.
Even now I can not forget even the Italian chef of the company's QC manager at Genoa's company (I am sorry to forget his name) "I usually work non-profit Italian citizen once in ten years, depending on the counter part , Italian work seriously There is a thing. I remember clearly that I was told that in the morning of TCI 's FAT test,
Thanks to him, the Singapore 🇸🇬 's unmanned subway is still safely moving today .