【行った国 その30) フランス共和国🇫🇷 République française】ああ〜、望郷の巴里。。。
Visited Country Part 30)
French Republic 🇫🇷
République française
The first time, I visited this country was in the first half of my twenties on my way to Iran,, afterwards I stopped by Paris for my honeymoon and stayed in Paris for Singapore project for a long time in my 40s. In the late fifties I stayed for a week with my second son.
Our accommodation was a cheap hotel in the ceiling back room of Piccadilly neighborhood where my favorite Sapporo ramen noodle can be eaten.
Episode Part 1
Novelty to the French lady who was at the side of the cell phone when he was talking loudly in the train car when i went to Valencia by TGV to Belgium border town with Alstom test track I was shouted when she was mad ......
Episode Part 2
It became a prey of group pickpocket with Paris. I was targeted in a typical way (dropping the key and picking up my wallet from my back pocket). As a lesson and learned , as for this day only wearing a suit spreading the Nikkei Japanese newspaper inside the subway,after that, I decided to wear clothes of unobtrusive black in the cities of Europe.
Episode Part 3
Mickey, a Thai lady who came from Phuket from nearby our hotel , was a little expensive although it was a Thai ancient massage who was operated with a her French husband but used here when I visited to Paris . This massage shop is still alive.
Aside from that, the second son seems to have stayed for long in Paris after saying Europe culture study for about a month thereafter. I'd like to bring back my eldest son there soon.
Next time I will report Belgium ベルギー🇧🇪