Aya Sakata

宝飾・服飾専門の英日翻訳者。 こちらは日英の翻訳練習帳です。

Aya Sakata

宝飾・服飾専門の英日翻訳者。 こちらは日英の翻訳練習帳です。



一カ月と少し前、私は60キロのロードのマラソンを走った。 私にとってはつらく長いレースになり、45キロを過ぎたあたりからは、左膝が痛くて曲げられないほどだった。 けれど、棄権するなどということは微塵も考えず、ただただゴールが遠いなと思いながら歩いたり走ったりしていた。 その後一週間ほどして膝の痛みもひいたので、久しぶりに走ってみた。 すると、それまで感じていた筋肉の痛みではない違和感を膝の外側上部あたりに強く感じた。 ギターの弦をぴんぴんに張ったような緊張感がある。 この

    • どうして猫は魚が好きなのか

      視界の隅で動くものがあった。 猫だ。 朝のランニングコースには、いつも猫が何匹かいる場所がある。 その猫たちはわりに綺麗な毛並みをしていて、野良かどうかはわからない。 どこかで飼われている子なのかな。 普段は考えもしないそんなことを考えていたら、ふと実家にいる猫のことを思い出した。 その猫は、兄がどこかで拾ってきたらしい。 片目がつぶれていて、いつもウインクしているような、かなりのべっぴん猫だ(親ばかかもしれないけれど)。 その子とは、半年ほど一緒に暮らしたことがある。

      • 曽祖母がくれた今年の目標

        This year's goals my great-grandmother gave me My paternal grandmother said that she was from a wealthy family in Ayabe, Kyoto. I don't know how rich her family was, but I remember her saying so herself. "Normally, your grandpa would have

        • 台所に立つしあわせ

          Happy to be in kitchen I like kitchen. It's not that I like cooking, but I just like being in kitchen. I usually work sitting down, so I eat my lunch standing up in the kitchen. I also like to drink there reading books. Elba, one of the



          Goodbye and meeting with nostalgic things The other day, I went to my hometown in Osaka because I had things to do. It's not just the town where I grew up, it's probably like that everywhere, but now the old and the new are combined. Ther



          Open your eyes and know where you are  The Yomiuri Shimbun has a section called TROUBLESHOOTER. In this section, life "masters" answer readers' troubles. The TROUBLESHOOTER is translated into English and appeared in the Friday edition of T



          Introvert or extrovert and outer brightness The other day, when I was talking with my friend, it came up “Introvert” and “extrovert”. She thinks of herself as an Introvert, which is why she feels antsy unless her appearance is bright. How



          Between life and death Someone close to me died. This year, I have encountered a lot of death. Many of the people I work with have lost someone close to them. And now, I too have lost someone close to me. When I encounter death, I feel s



          To overcome frustration "If he is frustrated, he will have to practice." Those words touched me deeply. These were the words of his master, Isegahama Oyakata, in response to the words of Atamifuji, who had a battle for the championship w



          Erasmus Mundus Joint Master and using tears in Spain How many people in Japan know about the program Erasmus Mundus? That is the EU's study abroad incentive system opening to countries all over the world, and I recently knew that my acquai



          Grandma's eyesight "Recently, I can't see at all, probably because of getting old." My friend, who is 4 years older than me, said that. “A long time ago, when I went to my grandma's house, I thought the dishes were dirty. They weren't cle



          Miso soup with lettuce I receive organic vegetables once every two weeks. That depends on the season, and there are things I’m familiar with, such as potatoes and onions, and things I would never pick up even if I see them at the supermark



          Exciting slopes The Kyoto Marathon course has many slopes. Especially in the first half, after passing Arashiyama, there are some uphills and downhills. One day in November, I decided to try running the first half of the actual course. Be



          When I saw the word “Keinawa”, my little girl appeared. When I was young, my family usually went out by car. In the car the radio was playing, I once heard the word “Keinawa Expressway”. I always sat in the front seat because I get carsic



          The house is on the banks of the Katsuragawa River. When I was running, I saw a large window on the second floor, just at the same line of sight, that was big enough to peek into the inside of a house. A Christmas tree has been decorated in
