A couple leaped from the south tower, hand in hand. They reached for each other and their hands met and they jumped.
Jennifer Brickhouse saw them falling, hand in hand.
Many people jumped. Perhaps hundreds. No one knows. They struck the pavement with such force that there was a pink mist in the air.
The mayor reported the mist.
A kindergarten boy who saw people falling in flames told his teacher that the birds were on fire. She ran with him on her shoulders out of the ashes.
Tiffany Keeling saw fireballs falling that she later realized were people. Jennifer Griffin saw people falling and wept as she told the story. Niko Winstral saw people free-falling backwards with their hands out, like they were parachuting. Joe Duncan on his roof on Duane Street looked up and saw people jumping. Henry Weintraub saw people “leaping as they flew out.” John Carson saw six people fall, “falling over themselves, falling, they were somersaulting.” Steve Miller saw people jumping from a thousand feet in the air. Kirk Kjeldsen saw people flailing on the way down, people lining up and jumping, “too many people falling.” Jane Tedder saw people leaping and the sight haunts her at night. Steve Tamas counted fourteen people jumping and then he stopped counting. Stuart DeHann saw one woman’s dress billowing as she fell, and he saw a shirtless man falling end over end, and he too saw the couple leaping hand in hand.
Several pedestrians were killed by people falling from the sky. A fireman was killed by a body falling from the sky.
But he reached for her hand and she reached for his hand and they leaped out the window holding hands.
I try to whisper prayers for the sudden dead and the harrowed families of the dead and the screaming souls of the murderers but I keep coming back to his hand and her hand nestled in each other with such extraordinary ordinary succinct ancient naked stunning perfect simple ferocious love.
Their hands reaching and joining are the most powerful prayer I can imagine, the most eloquent, the most graceful. It is everything that we are capable of against horror and loss and death. It is what makes me believe that we are not craven fools and charlatans to believe in God, to believe that human beings have greatness and holiness within them like seeds that open only under great fires, to believe that some unimaginable essence of who we are persists past the dissolution of what we were, to believe against such evil hourly evidence that love is why we are here.
No one knows who they were: husband and wife, lovers, dear friends, colleagues, strangers thrown together at the window there at the lip of hell. Maybe they didn’t even reach for each other consciously, maybe it was instinctive, a reflex, as they both decided at the same time to take two running steps and jump out the shattered window, but they did reach for each other, and they held on tight, and leaped, and fell endlessly into the smoking canyon, at two hundred miles an hour, falling so far and so fast that they would have blacked out before they hit the pavement near Liberty Street so hard that there was a pink mist in the air.
Jennifer Brickhouse saw them holding hands, and Stuart DeHann saw them holding hands, and I hold onto that.
By Brian Doyle
一組のカップルが手をつないで南塔から飛び降りた。 互いに手を伸ばし、手が重なり、二人は飛び降りた。
多くの人が飛び降りた。 おそらく数百人。 誰にもわからない。 二人は勢いよく歩道に激突し、空中にピンク色の霧が立ち込めた。
炎に包まれて倒れる人々を見た幼稚園の男の子が、先生に「鳥が燃えている」と言った。 彼女は彼を肩に担いで灰の中を走り出した。
ティファニー・キーリングは火の玉が降ってくるのを見たが、後にそれが人だと気づいた。 ジェニファー・グリフィンは人が落ちてくるのを見て、その話をしながら涙を流した。 ニコ・ウィンストラルは、パラシュートで落下するように、両手を広げて後方に自由落下する人々を見た。 ジョー・ダンカンはドゥエイン通りの屋根の上で見上げ、人々が飛び降りるのを見た。 ヘンリー・ワイントローブが見たのは、"飛び出すように跳ぶ "人々の姿だった。 ジョン・カーソンは6人の人が落下するのを見た。 スティーブ・ミラーは1000フィート上空から飛び降りる人々を見た。 カーク・ケルドセンは、人々が下る途中で暴れ、整列してジャンプするのを見た。 ジェーン・テダーは人々が飛び降りるのを目撃し、その光景に夜な夜な悩まされている。 スティーブ・タマスは14人が飛び降りたのを数え、それから数えるのをやめた。 スチュアート・デハンは、一人の女性のドレスがうねりながら落ちていくのを目撃し、シャツを着ていない男性が回りながら落ちていくのを目撃した。
夫婦、恋人、親しい友人、同僚、見知らぬ者同士が、地獄の淵の窓辺に投げ出されたのだ。 もしかしたら、意識して手を伸ばしたわけでもないのかもしれない。本能的な、反射的なものだったのかもしれない。ふたりは同時に、二歩走って粉々になった窓から飛び降りることを決めたのだから。しかし、ふたりは手を伸ばし、しっかりと抱き合い、跳び、時速200マイルで煙る峡谷へと果てしなく落ちていった。リバティ・ストリート近くの舗道に激しくぶつかる前に失神してしまうほどの距離と速度で落ちていき、空中にピンク色の霧が立ち込めた。