訳 After the Flood (from the Old English Hexateuch: Gen 8.6-18 and 9.8-13)
CambridgeのOld English Reader, pp. 144-145から
Ða æfter feowertigum dagum undyde Noe his eahðyrl, ðe he on ðam arce gemacode, and asende ut ænne hremn.
Se hrem fleah ða ut and nolde eft ongean cyrran, ær ðan ðe ða wæteru adruwodon ofer eorðan.
He asende ða eft ut ane culfran, ðæt heo sceawode gyf ða wætera ðagyt geswicon ofer ðære eorðan bradnyssen.
Heo ða fleah ut and ne mihte findan hwær heo hire fot asette, for ðan ðe ða wætera wæron ofer ealle eorðan; and heo gecyrde ongean to Noe and he genam hi into ðam arce.
He abad ðagyt oðre seofan dagas and asende ut eft culfran. Heo com ða on æfnunge eft to Noe, and brohte an twig of anum elebeame mid grenum leafum on hyre muðe.
Ða undergeat Noe ðæt ða wætera wæron adruwode ofer eorðan, and abad swa ðeah seofan dagas and asende ut culfran.
Swa heo ne gecyrde ongean to him, ða geopenode Noe ðæs arces hrof and beheold ut and geseah ðæt ðæra eorðan bradnis wæs adruwod.
God ða spræc to Noe, ðus cweðende: 'Gang ut of ðam arce, ðu and þin wif and ðine suna and heora wif; and eal ðæt ðærinne is mid ðe læd ut mid ðe ofer eorðan, and weaxe ge and beoð gemænifylde ofer eorðan.' Noe ða ut eode of ðam arce, and hi ealle, ofer eorðan.
God cwæð eft to Noe and to his sunum: 'Efne nu ic sette min wed to eow and to eowrum ofspringe and to eallum libbendum nytenum ðe of ðam arce eodon, ðæt ic nateshwon nelle heononforð eal flæsc adydon mid flodes wæterum; ne heononforð ne bið flod tosencende ða eorðan. Dis bið ðæt tacn mines weddes ðæt ic do betwux me and eow and eallum libbendum nytenum on ecum mægðum —ðæt is, ðæt ic sette minne renbogan on wolcnum, and he byð tacn mines weddes betwux me and ðære eorðan