
「Cracks I cant remember are as good as never having been」

The wind of tomorrow.
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Like sunflowers facing the direction the sun shines, the sunlight shines on the screen of the sky in a faraway world.

I'm waiting for the time when we can meet again, believing that the perfect time will surely come. I have no reason to believe in my memories. Only memories can convey vestiges of hope and lead us towards tomorrow.

A scene from a movie I once saw of Giovanna and Antonio comes back to me. A sunflower field dyed yellow, stretching out across the vast expanse of Ukraine's high plains.

I'm waiting for the time when we can meet again, believing that the perfect time will surely come. I have no reason to believe in my memories. Only memories can convey vestiges of hope and lead us towards tomorrow.

I believe in memories now. Memories carry the vestiges of hope and lead us towards tomorrow.

A day that cannot be remembered is as if it never happened. A crack that cannot be remembered is as if it never happened.

Watched over by the one who left me, surrounded by the one who was left behind, it's like something from a dream.

A farewell song for people who long for memories of the past.


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