


1. IELTSのパターンに沿って英作文する

IELTS(アイエルツ)は、4技能(リスニング, リーティング, ライティング, スピーキング)の国際的な証明となる英語技能試験です。11歳からの受験が可能となっており、特にライティングは日本人学習者に取って難しいと言われます。Shinichi氏はカナダに留学したい言う夢を持ちつつ、自らの英語力向上の中でこの試験に出会いました。しかし発達障害でレッスンに投資する十分な費用が不足していた為、WordPressを使って自ら英作文をする事を思い付きました。こうする事で、時間はかかるものの生産性があり楽しめる、としてモデルエッセイの量産を続けています。



IELTS Writing のTask2は、大きく分けて以下3通りの英作文があります。このテンプレートとも呼べるフォーマットをどのように英作文に生かすか、本人オリジナルのエッセイを使って1つずつ解説します。

※ あくまで素人で書いた英文なので、テスト対策の方はIELTS専門の方に繋げていただきますと幸いです。テスト対策ではなく「英作文を楽しむ」ことが前提なので、採点基準などは割愛します。Shinichi氏自体が文章構成の練習に取り組んでいる為、違和感あってもスルーしてくださいませ。

1. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

3. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

2. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (どれほど賛成/反対しますか?)

Q: In health issues, people should have breakfast before going workplace or school. In contrast, some people argue that does not need breakfast. To what do you agree or disagree? Write at least 250 words.

Some decades ago, it was clear for some juveniles or teenagers to have breakfast to sustain their best performances while in the workplace or school. However, some people tell us it does not need to have breakfast. I agree with skipping morning meals. This essay will explain the main reasons.

On the one hand, there are several drawbacks to forgoing breakfast. First, skipping breakfast generates a mental fog. In modern lives, some students and workers should describe a lot of documents such as reports within three months. In such tasks, people use their brains frequently. They would be short sleep cycles and insomnia. For this reason, it is important for people to have breakfast to sustain optimal performance. Also, skipping breakfast would impair their judgement. To illustrate, most researchers require crucial judgment when they produce a report. Skipping breakfast causes a lack of nutrition, such as minerals. Consequently, people would not achieve their best results.

On the other hand, some individuals argue skipping breakfast due to some advantages. First, it generates their precious time. For example, it is hard to cook a breakfast. In particular, in some families consisting of more than two members, they have to make a lot of cuisine. Skipping breakfast generates more precious time as compared with the previous. Second, people would be able to require some frozen foods. As a result, people can omit precious time for preparing their forms. Even though people can skip breakfast, it would be a great performance.

In summary, most people should have breakfast, however, In my view, skipping breakfast does not always take it due to several advantages.
(269 words)

Skipping Breakfast (ASD IELTS, 2024/06/05) 






3. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(双方の視点を論じ、意見を書いて下さい)

Q: Some individuals with ADHD tend to fill in their schedule. Discuss both views and give your opinions. Write at least 250 words.

Nowadays, most people may enjoy their working and day off with classifying. However, some ADHD workers tend to fill in their schedules on their weekly schedule. I agree that individuals with ADHD often have busy schedules. It has several advantages and disadvantages. This mini-essay will explain both perspectives on filling in their schedule.

On the one hand, some workers with ADHD are not good at taking the duration of their breaks regularly. In their minds, they want to complete tasks earlier quickly than they should. In other words, they would like to progress their whole project as much as possible. However, some team members wouldn’t follow such a fast pace. As a result, the project team would be confused about the whole progress. In addition, some workers with ADHD may prefer doing tasks on vacation. Some freelance individuals with ADHD especially enjoy work. For this reason, they can lead to accumulating fatigue a couple of weeks later.

On the other hand, some individuals with ADHD can enjoy their work. In other words, they can generate their pleasure as works. To illustrate, travel writers and bloggers can do it as much as possible. Such writers and bloggers can describe one local topic and trends. For this reason, some facilities can promote sales and highlight unique advantages, such as fees and membership. Likewise, they can explain their viewpoints. Some ADHD males tend to like collecting items such as books and items. Some ADHD females can say unique flatters to every friend. In common points, they can spot items and persons of advantage. Accordingly, they can have a fulfilling life.

In summary, I believe that individuals with ADHD fill in their schedules. Their strength can be disadvantages, but also can be advantages.
(289 words)

ADHD with Their Hectic Schedule (ASD IELTS, 2024/02/10)




1つ注意点としては「どちらかと言えばこの行動」がいいと言う意見は「To what extent do you agree or disagree?」よりぼかしつつも、序論と本論で明記する方がよりロジックになります。一般的な英作文はこれをハンバーガーになぞらえて「ハンバーガー構造」としています。上下のパンが「立場」となると、トッピングであるピクルスやレタス、お肉は「詳細な理由」になります。


4. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (長所は欠点を上回りますか?)

Q: Companies that do work-sharing with other companies are increasing. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Write at least 250 words.

With the spread of the pandemic, most companies have some economic damage, such as service industries. Conversely, some companies that produce essential items for living at home are increasing the amount of work. I agree with work-sharing between such companies.

On the one hand, there are some drawbacks to work-sharing. First, former regular staff may have to decrease the amount of work. Consequently, their salary reduction in such a situation would lower their morale working. Next, companies need to change regulations to share work with other companies. Workers in charge of the accounting department have to adjust the accounting rules of both companies. For this reason, both companies have to spend a lot of time.

On the other hand, there are several advantages. First, companies can share their strength. For example, some restaurants can hire former newspaper delivery staff who know detour routes. They can avoid chronic congestion. For this reason, delivery staff can send food to customers as soon as possible. Next, companies can continue hiring workforces. Bus drivers who decrease their job can drive a vehicle safely. Some logistic companies require such drivers. As a result, drivers can keep their job. Finally, both companies can learn about each other. Some cabin attendants have rich experiences answering politely. Also, some call center staff have experience in how to answer the phone well. Consequently, both companies can learn how to answer customers from each other.

Overall, I believe that work-sharing has a lot of benefits. Companies can share each of their strengths. They can keep their staff and learn the advantages of other company cultures.

(265 words)

Work Sharing (ASD IELTS, 2023/06/06)



Shinichi氏は大人になってから独学で勉強していますが、海外の小中高で習うナレーションの様に説明する技法を習うクラスにCreative Writingがあります。日本の学校でも近年始まっていますが、この客観的な書き方は読みやすさもあるので、習って損はないと思います。

5. まとめ


