休日にはアフガニスタン人とミュージカルを見て、モンゴル人とお茶を飲む。帰国が間近に控えたニカラグア人の送別会に顔を出し、ウズベクスタン人が作ってくれた郷土料理に舌鼓を打つ。別の日には、中国人と地元の中華料理店をはしごして味比べ。その他、ミャンマー、インドネシア、バングラデシュ、ベトナム、ガーナ、ポーランド、サウジアラビア、ドイツ、ギリシャと本当に多彩な人たちと知り合いました。イラン人もいた!国籍だけをカウントすれば、すでに50カ国以上の人と出会ってると思います 。誇張ではなく、本当に毎日がこんな感じ。オリンピックの入場式みたい!
Who do you meet every day? This is the question I have often received since I came to Syracuse.
So my days are like this...I walk to the campus with my American neighbor and joined the class with my classmates from Egypt, Taiwan, India, and Nigeria. Then I joined the yoga class in the school gym with my friends from Tajikistan and Iraq. After having lunch with my friends from Turkey and Pakistan, I moved to the library to talk about my start-up idea with my Russian and Brazilian friends. I talk about my concern to my Belarusi friend and stopped by a cafe to find out my friend from Peru was working there. On weekends, I go out to see the musical with friends from Afghanistan and have tea with a Mongolian friend. At the party hosted by a Nicaraguan friend, I fell in love with the food my Uzbekistan friend made. Another favorite thing to do on holiday is hopping around local Asian restaurants with my Chinese friend. I also met people from Myanmar, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Ghana, Poland, Saudi Arabia, and Germany...
I have probably encountered people from around 50 nationalities just by being a student at SU. Their major is different, too, from Business, Law, Education, Psychology, Biology, Music, Data Security..etc.Even in Newhouse, their majors are diverse, from Photography to Public Diplomacy.
Gender, age, nationality...they don't matter here. (I described nationalities here because it is one of the topics we proudly talk about as our unique culture!)Everyone has their own goals and intentions. Everyone has a different reason and suffered somehow to come here, but we all are brave enough to challenge a new thing. Some can't go back to their countries because of safety issues, while others enjoy the freedom they can't have in their home countries.
We all know this won’t last forever, which is why we cherish this moment as much as we can. We enjoy each encounter, respect who we are, laugh together, and spend a happy time together. This is a total blessing.
I just love the people I meet and this circumstance that I can enjoy such a diverse community. My wish for now is to stay here as long as possible.