
Behind the scenes of "Beast Code" (video of penning process)

"Beast Code" manga (illustration) artist: Megumi Akita's comment.

I have been drawing beasts and dragons in my comics for a long time.But by keeping at it, just like in the story of "Beast Code," over time, thoughts overlapped and met, and this manga was created.
Well, I have never drawn so many beasts in my life.

Comedy "Beast Code" Theater


お読みくださりありがとうござります。費用未払い「大手大型倒産」を受けて、創作活動の継続がかなり危機的です。助っ人いただけましたら幸いです。 みなさまに喜んで楽しんでいただける創出をつづけます! 朽ち果てるまで……