
Artist Statement

noteのなかで織田の英語版のArtist Statement (織田とは)を書きました!

Takashi Oda is a Japanese artist born in Taiwan in February 7th 1991. By growing up in The Netherlands, and coming back to Japan, he gradually feels the entrapment and the conservative mind in himself and in the Japanese people. 

He faces the unwillingness for his job at the Chemical Engineering Company, which was his first after graduate job. Even though he does not have an educational background by art, by his continuous try & error with his artwork, he gradually starts to sell his artwork. 2017, he choses to quit his job with his wife, and challenges selling his artwork in Australia’s streets, by using Crowd Funding .(Succeeds by gaining 70 people’s support.) Not only he continued selling art in Australia and in Japan, he made an artist team “MINAHYO” with 130 members and held art events and projects around Japan.

Now he aims to break through the conservative mind in Japan, and his dream is to “Make All People an Artist”.
He established an after school “T-KIDS” with 20 inspiring classes (such as Universe class, Art class, Philosophy class, etc.) to make the kids find a way to follow their hearts.

Takashi’s artwork is just a sideline, and a by-product.
He does not aim to do art. His art is something that comes out while he is challenging towards his dreams, “Make All People an Artist”. If the artwork is sold, its a by-product with value, same as natural fertilizer. But if the art is not sold, it’s the same as nuclear waste, and garbage. Human beings are the only living things that produces garbage. Artist Oda will keep facing this fact, and will send a message to the world about the capitalism and by-product.
All the things are by-products. Even lives too. Its not a purpose. It just comes out. If the by-product comes out anyway, then lets face it and mean it.


「生き様表現者」(アーティスト)として みなさんの日常に刺激、気づき、、新しい概念を提供するため、 生き様をそのまんま載せます。 ・家族、仕事のあり方と目指す過程 ・会社員でアーティストの生活 ・28歳、上司としてしてること ・社内100人以上、社長にも出してる織田のDaily ・年440人相談を受けて感じる今の世の中 ・教育業界に入って感じる今 ・今のアーティストの生き方 ・織田のノート

織田の「今」を記した「ありのまま」の表現者としての 月額ワンコインマガジンです! 家族 / 子育て / 教育 / 働き方 / アート /…
