Hello, good morning, good evening!

I’m Arnya.

It’s been for about more than one month since I didn’t write on note...( I was soooooo busy that I couldn’t upload. Don’t worry!)

I have many chances that I think about “the reality”.

 I’m going to talk about this topic.

I like collecting information in English because I can see various aspects of the world that I haven’t sensed.

When I see any media, I can catch more information. I’m Japanese and I live in Japan. However, I can learn a lot because I understand a foreign language.
Curiously to say, I can know that the reality is changing right now. Thank you my foreign language.

It is said that the bilingual or trilingual are smarter than the monolingual.     This opinion makes sense because people, who can speak more than two languages can stop more information sources than people who can speak only one language. Don’t you think this idea is logical for human brains?

I can’t go back to the reality I didn’t know English.
I can’t divert myself from the reality that I’m in.

What I can do is limited but I walk my way with invaluable skills and ideas.
