


・シャドイング: 6 minutes English, Simple English News Daily

・文法書(Vintage) pp.65-73
・英文記事 「The First Step to Tackling Your Emotions」~"Protective role of emotions"まで


・Deutsch Welle Top-Thema mit Vokabeln "Ein Olympia-Team für Geflüchtete"

・Praxis-Grammatik DEUTSCH ALS FREMDSPRACHE pp. 34-36


It is +brave/careless/clever/considerate/crazy/cruel/foolish/polite/rude/stupid/wise+of 人 to do= to doするとはAは[形容詞]
目が覚めて…に気づく: wake up/awake to find
→He awoke to find himself surrounded by strange people. 彼は目を覚ますと、見知らぬ人々に囲まれているのに気づいた。
…歳まで生きる: live to be xxx years old.
→His grandfather lived to be 92 years old. かれ
~したが、結局…した: ~ only to do
→Caerar entered the town only to find that the enemy had already fled. シーザーはその街に入ったが、敵は既に逃げ出していた。(=結局敵が逃げていたのを発見した。)

>It seems that SV と S seems to do の書き換え
SeemとVの自制が同じ→to do
It seems that he is ill(現在+現在)= He seems to be ill.
It seemed that he was ill. (過去+過去)= He seemed to be ill.

SeemよりVの自制が前→to have done
It seems that he was ill, (現在+過去)= He seems to have been ill.
It seems that he has been ill. (現在+現在完了)= He seems to have been ill.
It seemed that he had been ill. (過去+過去完了)=He seemed to have been ill.

(類似)It is said that SV と S is said to do
It is said that nobody found the truth.(現在+過去)= Nobody is said to have found the truth.
It is said that nobody find the truth.(現在+現在)=Nobody is said to find the truth.

>asを用いたto 不定詞の用法
~するほど[形容詞]だ: so [形容詞] as to do (=[形容詞] enough to do)
The girl was so kind as to take me to the station.
(=The girl was kind enough to take me to the station)

~するために: so as to do (=in order to do)/ ~しないように: so as not to do (in order not to do)
I make it a rule to read the newspaper every day so as not to fall behind the times.
(= I make it a rule to read the newspaper every day in order not to fall behind the times.)
*fall behind the times: 時代に取り残される