
十月〜 October 🎃

これは長く、遅れおいたす。 So, this is long, and this is late;

Due to that, I will make the post with little revision to move on to November, but it's safe to say this month was a doozy. I'll label each section as writing a diary entry in general, let alone as a neuro-divergent person; these things happen. This blog is my diary from the brain to the screen rather than pen to paper, so it will never be linear and uniform; sorry if that's not the style you like.

序章 - 日本でのハロりィン / 新幎おめでずう Introduction - Halloween in Japan / Happy New Year

Frankie in KK

10月はい぀も私にずっお混乱する月でした。たあ、い぀もずは蚀わないかもしれたせんが、確かにしばらくはそうでした。10月は私の䞀幎䞭で䞀番奜きな時期、「ヂ゚ンバヌズ」の始たりです。10月、11月、12月 - ハロりィン、焚き火の倜、クリスマス。子䟛の頃、この時期はい぀も最高でした。ハロりィンは、本圓の自分でいられる倜を提䟛しおくれたした。焚き火の倜はい぀も家族ず過ごし、故郷がどんなに鬱陶しいかにも関わらず、クリスマス期間党䜓が魔法のように感じられたした。
October has always been a confusing month for me. Well, maybe not always, but certainly for a while. October is the start of my favourite time of year, 'The Embers'. October, November, and December – Halloween, Bonfire Night, and Christmas. As a child, this time of year was always the best. Halloween provided a night where I could genuinely be myself; Bonfire Night was always spent with my family, and the whole Christmas period felt magical despite how depressing my hometown can be.
Christmas may be the most magical, but Halloween will always have my heart. Halloween celebrates the strange and unusual. It provides a night where one's expected to dress up as a different version of themselves and go out into the crisp October air to be surrounded by others doing the same. In Wales, Halloween is less extravagant than what we see in the American movies. It gets less and less each year as the weather gets worse and worse, but growing up, it was always a night where I could be me. Where the interests that got me bullied in school were allowed to blossom. I loved horror movies growing up; that explains a lot.
Coming to Japan, I was worried I wouldn't be able to celebrate Halloween properly, which has become more complex and demanding as the grey hairs increase. I always knew Kitakyushu would be no Shibuya. Still, the friends I made around me understood the importance of Halloween for me. They saw how excited I was for it and joined me to make some wholesome memories. It may not have been a huge party or a haunted house, but it was enough to make me warmer than a Jack-O-Lantern with a fresh candle just put inside.


の初めに、憂鬱になる意味は䜕だろう At the start of the month, what's the use of feeling Blue?


The start of the month was not easy for me. I entered a blue period. Despite this period being one of my favourites over the years of trauma and betrayal, I developed a kind of seasonal depression around this time. I always make these grand plans in my head to distract from the world and then get hit with the crushing reality of life.

September was a blur; I was getting used to life in a new country, a new language, and a new currency. I wanted to do everything all at once, but this meant I burned out both myself and my wallet. My depression hit almost like clockwork when October began. However, I already spoke about this in a more appropriate blog post. Instead of dwelling in the deep depths of my mind, I'd like to talk about some of the adventures I took that helped me manage my brain and pulled me out of the sea.

倧孊生掻 University Life - 小孊


To start my month, we took a small trip to a local primary school as a part of our Japanese culture class. We joined the class at lunchtime, ate their food, took their classes, and helped clean up.

This encounter was meaningful for me as someone who held a lot of traumas in my primary school experience. My school was demolished, I can never return to it to heal. I was worried that being put back into a classroom environment would trigger me, but it did the opposite. The Japanese classroom was miles better than any classroom I had ever been in during my time in education. The teacher did not have to scream to make the kids listen; the kids were kind and generous. The class leader seemed to control the class more than the teacher. They were respectful; this was the biggest shock. My cohort was often referred to as the worst a teacher had ever experienced.

This trip put me in a place as both a student and as a teacher. We had to work with a group of children, a guest on their table. They taught me as much as I taught them.

I have experience with teaching. For my college Welsh Baccalaureate class (a compulsory skills development class we must take in high school and college), I joined a group that taught elderly people digital literacy skills. That experience was similar. Being able to pass on knowledge to another generation and gain their perspective on things is one of the most valuable experiences one can have. I could be a teacher one day; a university professor would be better suited for me. Given my notorious history as a bad student, this may surprise those who know me. Still, the worst students make the best teachers because we must find our way of making things work. I suffered a lot of traumas in school, and being able to take even a fraction of that away from someone else's experience would mean the world to me.

留孊生掻 - 故郷の䞀郚Ryugakusei Life - A snippet of home


新しい䜏たいに母囜ずの぀ながりがあるこずを知っお驚きたした。数幎前、りェヌルズのラグビヌチヌムがラグビヌワヌルドカップのために北九州をトレヌニング拠点に遞んだこずがありたした。それ以来、この街はりェヌルズチヌムを名誉あるセカンドチヌムずしお迎え入れおいたす。10月のアルれンチン戊に向けお、垂は小倉駅で「Cheer Up応揎」むベントを開催したした。地元の女子孊生たちが囜歌である「Fy Gwlad fy Nhadau」や䌝統的なりェヌルズの歌「Calon Lan』を歌いたした。圌らは党員りェヌルズのラグビヌシャツを着甚し、りェヌルズの旗を掲げたした。たた、2぀の像をりェヌルズのゞャヌゞで着食り、そばに赀い竜を眮きたした。党むベントはテレビ攟映されたした。
I was surprised to find out that my new home actually had a connection to my motherland. A few years ago, the Welsh rugby team chose Kitakyushu to train for the Rugby World Cup. Since then, the city has taken on the Welsh team as an honorary second team. Leading up to their match against Argentina in October, the city held a 'Cheer Up' event at Kokura Station. This involved a group of local school girls singing the national anthem, 'Fy Gwlad fy Nhadau' and 'Calon Lan' a traditional Welsh song. They all wore Welsh rugby shirts and wove Welsh flags. They also dressed two statues in Welsh jerseys and propped up a red dragon next to them. The whole event was televised.

Upon finding out about this event, I knew I had to go. I was accompanied by two friends, a local and another exchange student from Korea. I was so happy to share this snippet of my home culture with them. I met rugby fans and had a chance to sing my national anthem loudly and proudly. The whole event went perfectly, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

A huge thank you goes to everyone who helped arrange it.

This was crucial in realising I could love my home and culture without needing to confine myself within its borders. I love my home, I love my culture and my language, but the current state of the country is making it harder and harder to actually love living there. Feeling grief for your home while it's still there is a weird thing. She's just not the place I grew up in anymore. Will she ever be again?

ブレむンドレむン/Brain Drain - One of Your Girls


今月、私にずっおもう䞀぀の転機ずなった出来事は、Troye Sivanによる「One of Your Girls』のリリヌスでした。
Another pivotal moment for me this month was the release of One of Your Girls by Troye Sivan (フル蚘事はこちらを参照しおください/ read the full article here:).

This song really hit a deep place in my soul. Despite having a loving boyfriend who I can see myself living the rest of my life with at the moment, things have not always been so easy. I think nearly all, if not all, of my relationships, prior have been "situationships", and one that probably had the biggest impact on my life overall, five years of torture, was with my bully-turned-straight best friend.

Only a few media can accurately portray this type of relationship; however, a lot more have been getting it right in recent years, as I discussed in the article linked above. However, none is as heartwrenching as living through this genuine and widespread occurrence in our community.

I gave up the better part of my late teens to you. I gave up opportunities, trips, relationships and friendships just to keep you happy, all while you used me like a cum rag stuffed under your bed. I failed college for you. I gave up my road to a future in an industry I craved every day for you. I gave up nearly everything for you.

I never told anyone how much your words hurt me, nor how much your firsts did. I never told anyone how you would use me to get off because you couldn't get a girl. How you called me your one exception. How you came back every time. How I let you. I thought because you stopped me from taking my own life at a time when I was too young to really understand what that meant that, I owed you that life, and yet when those thoughts came back, all you had to say to me was 'do it'. I know you gave up things for me; you stayed on a call with me when you could have been with your friends and spoke to me when I needed someone, but you didn't stay, and it didn't last. You only stayed as long as you did because I was there for you when you needed me. I used to listen to you talk about her, the one you wanted 24/7. I used to wake up to your messages and sleep with them. I even had to ask permission to watch my favourite show without interruption, and you still did. I had to ask permission to not reply when I was on holiday. I was there for you every second, and one day, just like that, you left.

Now I know I could have been better. I was obsessive, overbearing, and clearly in love, and everyone could see how close we were to your dismay. None of them ever knew quite how much.

After you, I struggled to find meaningful relationships; you completely wrapped what I thought love meant and what I thought love was. You scared my heart to be a genuine heart for a long time, for long enough to only let in others who did the same. Only to salt the wound. And after all of that, after keeping in touch, checking in all these years every few months like it's some kind of duty I hold. I asked you to do one thing for me: come hang out. Hang out since we haven't since things calmed down between us, and there's still a lot of trauma and hurt there for both of us, even if yours with me is still ignored. And you, after all these years of denying we were anything, told me to stop hanging on to the past.

You're right, really, but after everything?

あなたに、くたばれ。 - あなたの愚かな秘密は、党員に芋られるガラスケヌスに閉じ蟌められお、誰も助けおくれない。
To you, fuck you. - Your stupid little secret kept in a glass box for all to see and none to save.

He messaged me after I wrote this; I wish I could say I didn't respond.

倧孊生掻 - 英䌚話カフェUniversity Life - English Café


As a way to make some money whilst I'm here and also to make friends, I signed up for the English Cafe program. This program is a part-time job that is scheduled every Monday at lunchtime. It gives Japanese students a chance to practice their English.

However, with my group, it proved better to provide PowerPoints and movies relating to the week's subject to help break the ice. This allowed me to explore teaching it further by creating presentations for my group.

Even though we are still in the early days of the cafe, I have already made a good bond with my group and have managed to get into a flow where everyone is more comfortable speaking.

This experience has further solidified my feelings from the trip to the primary school; I actually like teaching. I may be a dreadful student, but teaching comes naturally to me. It is fun and a genuine way to make a difference. I think this is a career opportunity I should explore further, but only time will tell.

探求ブレむンドレむン - ビヌチExploration/Brain Drain - The Beach


"I think like, I want to be as beautiful as the ocean; I don't ever want to stand still like I want to be alive."

– Jules Vaughn, Euphoria Special Episode 2

I've always been drawn to water. Ever since I was young, I'd spent every second I could in the pool or at the beach. My hometown is a seaside city with a river going through it. It is neither the cleanest nor recommended for swimming, but it never stopped me, even if I sometimes became sick.

Coming to Japan, the first thing I did was find a gym with a pool and immediately caught an ear infection. Just my luck, right? Being in the pool, being in the water again after so long, felt amazing, but it was not relaxing; the gym was busy, and there was always someone behind me creating a queue of people swimming in circles. I knew I had to get to the sea.

Despite Kitakyushu being a port city, the beaches near here are far. I did a lot of research (looking at images on Google Maps) until I found one that spoke to me (it had baby turtles in the picture). The area I settled on was called Ayaragi; it was a couple of train stops away from Kyushu, and my first experience with Honshu was on a Japanese train. I never thought I'd describe a train this way, but the journal was beautiful. Coming from a country with genuinely infuriating travel infrastructure, having the train arrive early was a possibility my mind struggled to comprehend. I was on and off the train without any hassle, no load kids, no ominous men in the corners. Just a quick and quiet train ride to the seaside.

The beach was quiet and clean, with a little old man walking around and keeping it so. Dogs were allowed, and the waves were strong. It was a windy day, so it ended up being a little chillier than expected. However, I could still relax and take in the scenery, even if a road was directly behind us.

Swimming in the ocean here was indeed something else. The water at home is brown from the clay that eats your legs up; this water is clear and complete with life. The waves were strong and kept getting stronger; this made it hard to get a lot of swimming in and led me to be assaulted by a school of fish multiple times, but I managed to get my fill for the day.

The seaside will always be a special place for me. It's truly one of the only places in the world where my mind goes quiet, even for a second; it's one of the few places where I am truly able to think and feel 100% as me and only me without any intrusive thoughts creeping in to ruin my day. I also find the ocean beautiful; I could stare at her all day. The moon is the only thing that comes close to me, and the way the two are connected warms my soul. How beautiful an ocean on the moon would be?

倧孊生掻 - 講矩University Life - A lecture


We also met with the local high school to continue our cultural exchange with local schools. In this class, we talked a bit about our cultures and made a video saying thank you in our various languages. The following week, we were paired with a high school student to assist us in delivering a presentation to the primary school students we had previously met. Our topic was supposed to connect to our cultures, so I chose Halloween, well Nos Calan Gaeaf to be specific (Halloween in Wales).

This experience allowed me to explore the idea of further following a career in teaching. However, the entire thing had to be in Japanese, so my anxiety overshadowed my joy. However, in the end, I managed to get through it and share a little bit of Wales with the kids and have a little bit of Halloween in Japan shared with me.

留孊生掻/ブレむンヅレむン - 心に呌びかけたす。 Ryugakusei Life/ Brain Drain - Calls to my heart.


I've spoken about men a few times on here so far, but they don't all suck. Scruffz doesn't suck; he's great.

The summer before I came to Japan, I finally found someone who loved me as much as I loved them: my beautiful boyfriend, Scruffz. We had known each other for around a year before we decided to get together, and it was a very rocky road for us both individually. He stuck by me when everyone else had gone and saved me from many bad choices during that time. I will never be able to repay him for that. Before we got together, we spent a lot of time together; I would always sit with him at work after my shift had finished my hellhole of a job. He'd make all the pain I had built up disappear. I loved him from the moment I saw him; I was too stupid to realise that the only one who was nice to me was the one I should've been with.

I miss him. Every day he's not here in my arms, I feel like a part of me is missing. The distance is not the only thing that makes it hard; the time zone lines up perfectly. I have university when he finishes work late, and I head to bed when he leaves, but we make it work.

Each time we call, it's like the whole world pauses; nothing else matters to me but being with him in any way I can. He's really got my heart in his hands. Every love song, romance movie, or couple I see on the street makes me think of and miss him. It kills me every time I have a new experience here because I can't share it with him. I love being here, and the idea of having to go home shakes me to the core, but every second I spend away from him feels even worse; I just want to have him here with me.

Fy Ngariad ぞ、

To Fy Ngariad,
Thank you so much for saving me from myself in those dark days. Thank you so much for sticking by me when you wanted to go, for putting up with me when I couldn't tell my left from my right. Thank you for giving me a place to sleep and a safe space to chill, to hide away from the rest of the world. Thank you for taking my mind away from those trying to cause me pain and actively protecting me from any more coming my way. Thank you for loving me when I didn't deserve it and thank you for giving me this chance to repay the favour. I promise to repay a year of protection from the woes of the world with an eternity of love from the deepest parts of my being.
I know things are hard right now. I hate being away from you, but we will be back together soon, and you're never getting rid of me again, so enjoy the break.
I love you, now and forever,

/ブレむンドレむン - ハロりィン1: 北九州でのパヌティヌ
Ryugakusei Life/ Brain Drain - Halloween 1: A party in KitaQ


Halloween is an extremely important day for me. Growing up, I was a weird kid. When I was 3, I would only watch horror movies whilst eating bread, butter and chips. Eventually, I expanded to fish fingers also. My favourite movie was Jeepers Creepers 2; I would watch it on repeat every day. Jeepers Creepers 2 is a simple monster slasher movie which I still enjoy to this day. I didn't find the movies scary at all back then; I still have a hard time finding something that scares me now. Well, in the sense of horror movies, at least.

This was one of many factors that made me a target in school. In a school where I was bullied for being mixed, for liking anime and scary movies, for reading books about magic and talking about ghost hunting like it was a future career – Halloween offered a day where I could indeed be myself. This was a time when I was too young for the identity crisis I would have later on in life. I had no clue of my queerness or my connection to faith; I was just a kid who liked spooky and cooky things and had fun enjoying them loudly and proudly. Halloween was a day where I could do this without being the odd one out, as well as free sweets.

Later on, as I became older and Halloween became more about partying than trick or treating, I found solace in being someone else for a day. I wasn't allowed to be queer in my home, I wasn't allowed to be attracted to the occult, I wasn't allowed to dress in the fashion I wanted, go to the parties and shows I wanted, and have the partners I wanted. I wasn't allowed to be me. Halloween allowed me to escape from that world at home that I carried on with me to high school, where the drama continued just in a much sneaker and far more traumatic way. Halloween wasn't about parties for me. It was about being me.

Halloween is also culturally significant to me as a Welsh person. Halloween is originally a Celtic holiday, after all. Nos Calan Gaeaf, a night where the veil between our world and the spirit world is thinned, a night before the start of Winter and the Welsh New Year, a night before the seasons change from dying to dead. Despite being Muslim and therefore not partaking in Celtic Pagan holidays, today, Nos Calan Gaeaf has become synonymous with a watered-down version of the American Halloween we grow up watching on TV. It was a night for kids to go out and for hooligans to cause trouble, often in the rain and sometimes the snow. Halloween remains crucial in our nation. It's a part of our culture that celebrates death but has never and will never die. It's a night where, even though I don't believe I am any closer to my ancestors, I still feel closer to my culture as it's all around me in one form or another.

For me, Halloween is a night where I can be 100% myself authentically. I can bask in my culture's long history whilst dressing as myself in a space surrounded by like-minded individuals. Despite someone trying to ruin it nearly every year recently, it will always be this way for me.

In Cardiff, I tend to go out on Halloween, either to a house party or a nightclub. I get mindlessly drunk in a costume I spend too much money and time on with people I love, like they were my family. In Kitakyushu, however, it seems there aren't many nightclubs. It's not a party city like home.

私の元の蚈画は、犏岡に行っお、私がどの街でも倧奜きな「コペヌテ・アグリヌ」に行くこずでした。私は人生で最も困難な時期の䞀぀でそこで働き、同僚たちの䞭で家族を芋぀けたした。しかし、別の街で安党にパヌティヌをするための時間もお金も友達もありたせんでした。そこかしこにいく぀かのむベントがあり、最終的に友達の゜ルト ず䞀緒に行くこずにしたした。ハロりィンは平日だったので、数日前でした。そしお私のコスチュヌムが届かなかったので、リップスティックでクラりンのメむクをするしかなかった最悪のアむデアでした。
My original plan was to travel to Fukuoka and go to Coyote Ugly, a place I love in every city. A place that feels like home as I worked there during one of the most challenging times in my life and found family in my colleagues. However, I didn't have the time, money or friends who could go to another city to party safely. There were some events here and there, and eventually, my friend Salt and I decided to go to one of these together. It was a few days before Halloween because Halloween was on a school night, and my costume hadn't arrived, so I had to improvise by making clown makeup with lipstick (a terrible idea).

私たちが行ったバヌは、COVID-19の埌で再開したばかりで、そのマヌケティングは楜しそうでした。しかし、それはクラブよりもクラブ埌の家庭パヌティヌに䌌おいたしたが、クラブでの高霢者レベルの酔っ払いやドミノの欲望はありたせんでした。しかし、これはより楜しいものでした。私が幎を取るに぀れお、激しくパヌティヌを楜しむこずは少なくなりたした。私たちは飲み、話し、カラオケを歌い、スむッチをプレむしたした。静かなハロりィンを過ごし、ずおも感謝しおいたす。通垞、パヌティヌにはドラマが䌎いたすが、それが党おを台無しにするこずもありたす。通垞の日であれば、8pmから6amたで倖出するのは蟛いこずです。さらにむベントの日にはなおさらです。だからこそ、゜ルト 、私のお気に入りの䌑日の新しい䞀面を芋せおくれおありがずう。
The bar we went to had just recently reopened after COVID-19 and its marketing looked fun; however, it was less of a club and more of a house party after the club but without the senile level of drunkenness and craving for dominos. However, this was more fun. As I grow older, I like to party hard less and less. We drank, we spoke, we sang karaoke and played the switch. We had a quiet Halloween, and I'm so grateful for that. Usually, the parties bring drama, and it ruins everything. Being out from 8pm to 6am is a killer on a normal day, let alone an event day. So, to Salt, thank you for showing me a new side to my favourite holiday.

副題むントロダクション - テンゞンSubsection Introduction - Tenjin


Japan is beautiful. I knew this before taking a class trip to the Daizaifu shrine in Fukuoka. Still, the bus to the shrine and the shrine itself amazed me beyond belief. It takes one hour via bus from Kitakyushu to Fukuoka in a hot and cramped space, so by the time we arrived at the shrine, we were already a little sleepy, but oh, was the trip worth it.

探求/ブレむンドレむン - 宗教 Exploration/ Brain Drain - Religion


The shrine is complimented by surrounding greenery, making the buildings even more spectacular. The shrine was super busy; it felt like the sights you see online from Shinjuku crossing at times, but despite this, we witnessed a wedding ceremony in the midst of it all. This was my first time seeing a traditional Japanese wedding, and everyone and everything was stunning. In the shrine itself, I was able to admire its beauty. I could buy souvenirs and watch the koi, but I couldn't have the whole experience of my classmates. Everyone else joined in the religious activities at the shrine regardless of their faith because all I could do was watch and admire. I found solace in this; however, watching them clean with water and pray to their gods reminded me of my connection to my God (swt). As a Muslim raised in a Christian/Pagen country, away from my community to a degree and with the added obstacle of being queer, religion is not something that has always come easy to me. Still, it's always been something I can find peace in. Growing up, we weren't strict Muslims. You couldn't be gay, but you could sleep around, and you couldn't eat pork, but it was okay in sweets if you didn't read the label. We didn't pray often or read the Quran; we actually spent more time in a church and hearing the bible due to school and our mother's side being Catholic. However, for Cardiff Catholics, events like a christening are just excuses for a party and getting drunk rather than actually being about their faith. This multifaith and multicultural upbringing, alongside my connection to all things spooky and magical, led me to a bit of an identity crisis in college. Growing up, I was always shunned by other Muslims for not being Muslim enough, even though they didn't know me; they assumed because my mother was white that, we didn't practice the faith, but my mothers had been a Muslim since she was 18 and has taken part in Pakistani culture since then too, she's more of a Muslim than half of those who made their money selling bud after school if we're making distinctions but at the end of the day your faith is between you and God (swt), no one is allowed to say you are more or less of a Muslim because your faith is none of their business, but I digress.

䞭孊校では、ほが完党に癜人で無神論者の䞭流階玚の友人グルヌプから離れ、倚文化的で倚面的な仲間の支持を受けるこずができたした。他のクィアなムスリムや劎働者階玚の混血の人々がそばにいお、コミュニティや家族ができたした。ただし、この倧孊はカトリックの倧孊だったので、カトリックの芞術に囲たれ、カトリックの教垫から必修の宗教教育を受けたしたが、圌女は実際、私の䞭で最高の友人でした。この頃、私はTikTokも芋぀けたした。これが私をより深いレベルでりェヌルズのアむデンティティに再接続する道を瀺しおくれたした。TikTokのアルゎリズムは私を「WitchTok」ず呌ばれる魔女や異教埒のコミュニティに連れお行きたした。これぱキサむティングで、子䟛の頃に抱いおいた幻想の䞀郚を実珟させたした。たた、「Jewish TikTok」にも深く入り蟌み、私ず䌌たような信仰に぀いおの異なる考え方に出䌚い、それに同意したした。私の頭の䞭ず心の䞭には、4぀の信仰がありたした。それらはお互いを補完し、最もランダムな方法でお互いを吊定しおいたした。私の心は揺れ動いおいたした。私は倚くの研究を行い、宗教孊の詊隓では䞀぀の質問に぀き䞀文のみで2ペヌゞが必芁なのに、9ペヌゞも曞きたした。たた、初めおラマダンの間断食をしたした。その時にクルアヌンを読み、むスラム教のコミュニティずより深く関わりたした。その月に私の混乱が消え、自分の道を芋぀けたした。私はむスラム教に戻り、以前ずは異なるむスラム教を芋぀けたした。
In college, I was separated from my nearly entirely white, atheist, middle-class friendship group and finally in a supportive community of multicultural and multifaceted peers. I had other queer Muslims alongside working-class mixed individuals, I had community, I had family. However, this college was a catholic college, so we were surrounded by catholic art and had to take a mandatory religious education course taught by a catholic teacher, who was honestly my best friend out of them all. Around this time, I also found TikTok, which led me down a path of reconnecting with my Welsh identity on a deeper level. The TikTok algorithm sent me deep into 'WitchTok', a community of witches and Pagens, which was exciting and made some of the fantasies I had growing up seem real. It also sent me very deep into 'Jewish TikTok', where I found a faith similar to my own but with many contrasting ideas on interpreting things, with which I agreed. I had four faiths in my head and heart, all of which complimented each other and contradicted each other in the most random ways. My head was torn. I did a lot of research, leading to a nine-page turnout for my religious studies exam, which was meant to be one sentence per question, two pages. I also fasted during Ramadan for the first time. I took that time to read the Quran and engage more with the Islamic community. It was in that month that my confusion faded, and I found my way home. I found my way back to Islam, but a different Islam to the one I had before.

I found an Islam where my interpretation mattered, where all of the spooky and mystical things I loved could exist, where I could be me and not worry about the eternal damnation of hell. I found true peace in prayer, in the ritual of undertaking wudu and dressing modestly. I was more conscious of what I consumed, in terms of food/drink as well as in media. And I really felt a connection with God (swt), and my prayers even got answered. I'm still not the most pious or devout individual in the world, and I certainly have times when I could do better. I want to, but I have true faith and a deep connection with God (swt), and I will always be grateful for that.

䜏民のための掻動家の道ぞず導いたのです Exploration/ Brain Drain - A museum close to my heart

メキシコ固有の芞術の䞀䟋 (蚀葉)

私は幌少期から先䜏民アメリカ文化ずの぀ながりを垞に感じおいたした。これは血の぀ながりではなく、たた、䜕かのぎこちないRCTA BS泚: 映画等で䜿われる感情的な衚珟を指すスラングでもありたせんでした。私は本圓にその文化ず映像で芋た人々を愛しおいたした。私の父は西郚劇の倧ファンで、私たちは幌少期にたくさんのカりボヌむ映画を芳たした。私はなぜ先䜏民が圌らの故郷を守るために悪者扱いされおいるのか理解できたせんでした。これは私の人生の倚くの興味や経隓ず共に、私を私の故郷の先䜏民、そしお䞖界䞭の先䜏民のための掻動家の道ぞず導いたのです。
Growing up, I always had a connection to Indigenous American culture. This connection was not by blood, nor was it any cringey RCTA BS. I genuinely loved the culture and people I saw on screen. My father is a huge Western fan, so we watched many cowboy movies growing up. I could never understand why the Natives were in the wrong for defending their homeland. This, alongside many other interests and experiences in my life, has led me to a path of activism not only for my own people, the indigenous people of my homeland but for indigenous people across the world.

私は、非垞に人皮差別的だった西郚劇からディズニヌのクスコたで、メディアの進化を芋おきたした。その䞭で䞀番感動したのは「Reservation Dogs」です。
Growing up, I have seen the progression of media from awfully racist Westerns to Disney's Cuzco. The most touching of which has been Reservation Dogs.

Nahuatl (Aztec) culture and history have always been fascinating to me. I grew up travelling to Spain nearly every year, so I could clearly see the indigenous impact on Mexican culture and architecture in movies, and it was beautiful. However, Mexico was a world away, and I never thought I'd get to see this art first-hand; then I came to Japan.

In Fukuoka, there was an Aztec exhibition at the Kyushu National Museum. I took the chance despite only having less than 30 minutes until the bus home to experience something I had seen on a screen for years with my own eyes. The exhibition was beautifully displayed and explained; they went into the history of the different groups on display (Maya, Aztec and Olmec). Seeing these artefacts in real life really touched my soul; it was an experience I never thought I'd get. The fact that we still have these amazing artefacts and know the stories they tell is an accurate tale of survival and indigenous resilience, and it's an inspiration to indigenous people the world over to never let go of their histories. I'm not ashamed to say I shed a tear.

留孊生ラむフ - ハロりィン2 - 「トタリヌ・キラヌ」 Ryugakusei Life - Halloween 2 – Totally Killer

생음 축하합니닀!

私たちは月末を幞せなノヌトで締めくくりたした。友達ずの小さな集たりず、私のお気に入りのハロりィン映画「Totally Killer」の䞊映䌚。倧きなパヌティヌではありたせんでしたが、幎を重ねるごずに、私は倧音量の生掻にうんざりしおきたす。友達ずの静かな倜は、もしくはそれ以䞊に楜しく、友達ずお気に入りの映画を共有できたこずは玠晎らしいものでした。
We ended the month on a happy note, a small gathering of friends and a screening of one of my favourite Halloween movies, 'Totally Killer'. It may not have been a big party, but as I grow older, I grow more tired of the loud life. A quiet night with friends is as if not more fun, and sharing one of my favourite movies with a group of friends was amazing.
We finished the night in the bar next to our university as the clock turned into November, and a friend's birthday was upon us. We got drunk and merry, mistakes were made, and bonds became deeper. A huge thank you goes out to everyone who came to make my favourite night memorable without the awful hangover and paint-stained pillows the following day.
