
【洋書遍歴】チャンドラー:The Long Good-Byeへの陶酔 (中編)

レイモンド・チャンドラーのハードボイルド最高傑作「長いお別れ 」から、粋な台詞、流麗な文体、1940年代の社会、人物描写を紹介。

'It was the damnedest-looking house I ever saw. It was square, grey box three storeys high, with a mansard roof, steepy sloped and broken by twenty or thirty double dormer windows with a lot of wedding-cake decorations around them and between them.'

The Long Good-Bye P266

'Idle Vally was having a perfect summer. Somebody had planned it that way. Paradise Incorporated, and also Highly Restricted. Only the niceset people. Absolutely no Central Europeans. Just the cream, the top-drawer crowd, the lovely, lovely people. Like the Lorings and the Wades. Pure gold.'

The Long Good-Bye P292

’I would have stayed in the town where I was born and worked in the hardware store and married the boss's daugther and had five kids and read them the funny paper on Sunday morning and smacked their heads when they got out of the line and squabbled with the wife about how much spending money they were to get and what programmes they could have on the radio or TV set. I might even have got rich -small-have got rich -small-town rich, an eight-room house, two cars in the garage, and the Reader's Digest on the living-room table, the wife with a cast-iron permanent and me with a brain like a sack of Portland cement. You take it, friend.  I'll take the big , sordid, dirty, crooked city.' 

The Long Good-Bye P293

'Sure, thousands of years. And especially in all the great agesof art. Athen, Rome, the Renaissance, the Elizabethan Age, the Romantice movment in France - loaded with them. Queers all over the place. Ever read The Golden Bough? No, too long for you. Shoter version though. Ought to read it. Prove our sexual habits are pure convenstion - like wearing a black tie with a dinner jacket. Me, I'm a sex writer, but with frills and straight.'

The Long Good-Bye P294

'Ohals was a medium-sized thick man with short-cropped, faded, blond hair and faded bule eyes. He was a hard, tough cop with a grim outlook on life but a very decent guy underneath. He outght to have made captain years ago. He had passed the examination among the top threehalf a dozen times. But the Seriff didn't like him and he didn't like the Seriff.'

The Long Good-Bye P306

’Maybe the head man thinks his hands are clean but somewhere along the line guys got pushed  to the wall, nice little businesses got the ground cut from under them and had to sell out for nickels, decent pepole lost thir jobs, stocks got rigged on the market, proxies got brought up like a pennyweight of old gold, and the five per centers and the big law firms got paid hundred grand for beating some law the people wanted but rich guys didn't , on the account of it cut into thier profits. BIg money is big power and big power gets used wrong. It's the system. Maybe it's the best we can get, but still ain't my Ivory Soup deal.'

The Long Good-Bye P326

'I'm a romantic, Bernie. I hear voices crying in the night and I go see what's the matter. You don't make a dime that way. You got sense, you shut your windows and turn up more sound on the TV set. Or you shove down on the gas and get far away from there. Stay out of other people's troubles. All it can get you is the smear''

The Long Good-Bye P330

`I've got twenty years on the cops without a mark against me. I know when I'm being kidded and I know when a guy is holding out on me. The wise guy never fools anybody but himself. Take it from me, chum. I know.'   

The Long Good-Bye P331

'The homicide dick who investigated the case is an old friend of mine. He's a bulling and a bloodhouse and old wise cop. He doesn't like a few things. Why did Roger leave no note - when he was a writing fool? Why did he shoot himself in such a way as to leave the shock of discovery to his wife? Why did he bother to pick the moment when I couldn't hear gun go off? Why did he forgot her house keys so that she had to be let into the house? Why did she leave hime alone on the day the hlp got off.

The Long Good-Bye P346
