Anthony Cano

Anthony Cano


The Girl From Nagano

Here I am, settling in from my trip to Japan, with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirling in my head. Am I sad? Happy? What am I feeling? One thing is certain: she occupies my mind like my favorite song stuck on repeat. The memory of

    • The other side of the sea

      It has truly been a while since I was last here, and perhaps we can view this as a positive turn of events. Today marks a pivotal moment in my life, where I find myself grappling with a myriad of emotions. The looming possibility of losing

      • New beginnings

        Oh, well, where do I even begin? I guess we'll ask the question: What are you even doing here?! One of the main reasons I am starting this is to express myself and share my story with whoever reads this. I know what you're saying: "Why not

      The Girl From Nagano