2.1&2.2 栄養食品・サプリメント / Nutritional Foods and Supplements-2023 - 特許から見たSDGsグローバル企業ランキング / SDG Global Company Ranking from a patent perspective
The ranking is made in terms of nutritional foods and supplements with regard to the SDG goal "02. Zero hunger" target.
02.1 2030年までに、飢餓を撲滅し、すべての人々、特に貧困層及び幼児を含む脆弱な立場にある人々が一年中安全かつ栄養のある食料を十分得られるようにする / By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round
02.2 5歳未満の子どもの発育阻害や消耗性疾患について国際的に合意されたターゲットを2025年までに達成するなど、2030年までにあらゆる形態の栄養不良を解消し、若年女子、妊婦・授乳婦及び高齢者の栄養ニーズへの対処を行う / By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round
特許出願状況・ランキングおよび母集団検索式の利用にあたっては、特許から見たSDGsグローバル企業ランキングの目次ページから「0. 本ランキング情報の利用に当たっての注意点」をご確認ください。
When using the patent application status and ranking and the population search formula, please refer to "0. Notes on the use of this ranking information" on the table of contents page of the SDG Global Company Ranking from a patent perspective.
A. 関連するゴール・ターゲット / Relevant Goals / Targets
Goals and targets considered relevant to 2.1 & 2.2 'Nutritional foods and supplements' include the following for goal '01. End poverty'.
01.1 2030年までに、現在1日01.25ドル未満で生活する人々と定義されている極度の貧困をあらゆる場所で終わらせる / By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day
01.2 2030年までに、各国定義によるあらゆる次元の貧困状態にある、すべての年齢の男性、女性、子どもの割合を半減させる / By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
01.3 各国において最低限の基準を含む適切な社会保護制度及び対策を実施し、2030年までに貧困層及び脆弱層に対し十分な保護を達成する / Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable
However, there are solutions for these targets other than nutritional foods and supplements, and it is difficult to calculate a ranking based on the analysis of patent information at this point in time, so no ranking has been prepared.
B-1. グローバル出願トレンド / Global application trends
2.1&2.2 There have been 146,025 (135,446 last year) families of patents and utility models for 'nutritional foods and supplements' since 2003.
The trend in the number of families worldwide is as follows (the number of families after 2021 has not yet been determined)
B-2. 主要国別出願トレンド / Application trends by major priority country
The cumulative number of families by nationality (priority country) for Japan, the US, Europe, China, Korea and international applications and India, Russia and Brazil is as follows.
The number of families by nationality (priority country) for Japan, the US, Europe, China, Korea and international applications and India, Russia and Brazil is shown below.
B-3. 特許から見た企業ランキング(2003~最新分)/ Ranking of companies based on patents (2003 - most recent)
The ranking of companies (including universities, research institutes and individual inventors) is as follows (the same company may appear more than once in the top 10, as the fluctuation of applicant/right holder names is not controlled).
B-3-a. 特許から見た企業ランキング(2002~2011年)/ Ranking of companies based on patents (2002-2011)
B-3-b. 特許から見た企業ランキング(2012~2021年)/ Ranking of companies based on patents (2013-2023)
C. 分析条件 / Analytical conditions
Using the database Patbase (search date: 17 June 2023), the population search formula is
SC=(A23L33/10 OR A23L33/105 OR A23L33/11 OR A23L33/115 OR A23L33/12 OR A23L33/125 OR A23L33/13 OR A23L33/135 OR A23L33/14 OR A23L33/145 OR A23L33/15 OR A23L33/155 OR A23L33/16 OR A23L33/165 OR A23L33/17 OR A23L33/175 OR A23L33/18 OR A23L33/185 OR A23L33/19 OR A23L33/195) OR JCI=(A23L2/00/F) OR TAC=((NUTRITION OR NOURISHING OR NUTRITIOUS) W2 (SUPPLEMENT% OR FOOD% OR DRINK% OR BEVERAGE% OR ALIMENTATION)) OR TAC=(栄養補助食品 OR 栄養補助剤 OR 栄養組成物 OR 栄養補助組成物 OR 栄養食 OR 栄養剤 OR サプリメント OR 栄養付加食品 OR 栄養素補給 OR 栄養成分補給 OR 栄養製品 OR 栄養機能食品 OR (栄養強化 W5 (食品 OR 飲食 OR 飲料 OR ドリンク OR フード)))
with keywords and patent classifications (see J-PlatPat's Patent and Utility Model Classification Inquiry (PMGS) for definitions of patent classifications).
■検索式の記号について / About the symbols in search formulae
TAC:タイトル・要約・クレーム / Title, abstract and claims
FT:フルテキスト / Full text
TI:タイトル / Title
SC:特許分類(IPC、CPC、FIなど) / Patent classification (e.g. IPC, CPC, FI)
CPC:CPC(欧米共同特許分類 / Cooperative Patent Classification)
JCI:FI(ファイルインデックス / File Index)
JCT:Fターム / File Forming Term
A Wn B:AとBの近傍検索(n文字、順不同) / Neighbourhood search for A and B (n letters, in no particular order)
A WFn B:AとBの近傍検索(n文字、順同)/ Nearest neighbour search for A and B (n characters, in the same order)
%:末尾に0-1文字のトランケーション / 0-1 character truncation at the end.
*:末尾に文字数制限なしのトランケーション / Truncation with no character limit at the end.