
Unlock Your Genius with spring equinox energy.

Welcoming the day of the spring equinox, I feel that we are in a transitional period from pursuing perfection and making life complicated to "recognizing everything is already the best and finest timing and making life happy, joyful, and smooth.

If we always have a judgemental belief system, like a polarized belief, Fight or Peace, Do's or Don'ts, Good or Bad, do you think it leads you to genuine happiness from your heart? It might bring you unnecessary anxiety. 

I know clients who have compulsive perfectionists cause hormonal imbalances, receptors of endocrine system gateways closed, and those attacking the body's immune disease and always feel tired. 

As perfectionists, you've already learned Fortitude, Patience, Commitment, Responsibility, and Perseverance. 

Well, how about Permission, Forgiveness, Generosity, Moderation, Balance, and Tolerance from now on? 

Expressing yourself freely and comfortably without constraint or inhibition allows your unique genius and characteristics to manifest and develop over time.

#1 Unlock your genius 

Under your subconscious level, your body knows you are already a genius. Yes, you are. Your body speaks like, 

"Unlock your genius. Change the way of fighting."

As humans,  DNAs have the "Fight and survive" cells embedded.
That DNAs, of course, protect us in an emergency. So there's no need to remove those DNAs. Instead, we can change the way of fighting, not to destroy and make harm ourselves. To adjust more, the fighting mood will slightly disappear in daily life. 

#2 Daily practice for perfectionists

Please use the following affirmation and belief download for your happier days. 

✔️I'm good enough. 
✔️I can control my balance. 
✔️I can be respectful and assertive. 
✔️I can enjoy my life.

Or following affirmation works as well,
"I'm getting better day by day."
"I'm becoming good enough (or put your preferable status here)"

Finally, I was a perfectionist, so I did my self-healing practice before. I understand the mechanism. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me🤗

After today's last session, I was so happy to hear that the client followed my Twitter because I seemed to enjoy my work freely. Yes, of course!

Instagram: Please feel free to click below and follow me. I'm happy to connect with you;)

Thank you for reading all the details of the information.
I'm looking forward to seeing and supporting your healing journey.

With love and light,
Alice Sayuri Akasaka


Alice |不思議な光のアリス先生
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