インフルエンザが本格的になってきた。。。(Influenza (the flu) is really ramping up now.)
Hello, this is Hamano from ki-wi.
As we get closer to the end of the year, I’ve been dispensing Inavir and Xofluza more and more often. Everyone seems to catch a cold this time of year, don’t they?
I myself never go without wearing a mask and washing my hands and gargling.
I started wondering how many people across Japan actually get the flu, so I decided to put together some information about influenza.
By the way, we’ll be hosting an event in Fukuoka on January 8!
I hope many of you will join us.
Explaining Influenza and the Pharmacist’s Role in an Easy-to-Understand Way
1. はじめに:インフルエンザってどんな病気?
1. Introduction: What kind of illness is influenza?
Every winter, influenza becomes a hot topic.
Unlike the common cold, it typically features a sudden high fever and overall fatigue. Sometimes symptoms can become severe, so people who are older, young children, or those with underlying health conditions need to be especially careful.
As a pharmacist, I get more questions from patients every time influenza starts spreading. So this time, I’ve put together the key points in an easy-to-understand way!
2. 2024年の流行状況:今どんな感じ?
2. The 2024 Flu Season: How are things right now?
According to the latest data (Week 50 of 2024, updated December 27), the number of reported influenza cases is on the rise nationwide. In Tokyo as well, infections are spreading. You might be getting the feeling that “people around me are starting to catch the flu more and more.”
As pharmacists, our job is to keep track of this spread and share crucial information with patients—things like “Right now, prevention is key” and “What do I do if I get infected?”
3. 治療薬の在庫状況、どうなってる?
3. Current Stock Status of Flu Medications
Here is the influenza medication stock as of late November 2024:
薬の名前 どのくらいある?
リレンザ(吸入薬) /約50万人分
イナビル(吸入薬) /約30万人分
ラピアクタ(点滴薬)/ 約20万人分

However! Because the flu started spreading early this year, there’s a particular shortage of Tamiflu Dry Syrup (used mostly for children).
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is working on a response, but on the front lines, we need to get creative—such as proposing alternative medications.
4. 薬剤師ができること:私たちの役割
4. What Pharmacists Can Do: Our Role
Pharmacists play an important role in situations like these:
(1) 薬の在庫管理とアドバイス
• 患者さんが困らないように、薬の在庫をしっかりチェック。
• 足りない場合は「この薬の代わりにこれを試しましょう」と提案したり、医師と相談したりします。
(1)Managing Medication Stocks and Offering Advice
We keep an eye on medication inventory so patients don’t find themselves in trouble.
If something’s in short supply, we may suggest alternative medications or consult with doctors.
(2) 正しい飲み方がある
(2)Ensuring Medications Are Taken CorrectlyExplaining the right timing and duration of medication use is a key part of a pharmacist’s job.
For example, Xofluza can be taken just once, whereas Tamiflu must be taken for 5 consecutive days. These differences matter.
(3) 感染予防のアドバイス
(3)Providing Infection-Prevention AdviceFrom reminders such as “Wear your mask properly” and “Wash your hands for 30 seconds” to explaining the importance of flu shots, pharmacists share preventive measures.
After all, “Prevention is the best cure!”