
RIVER OF NO RETURN 帰らざる河 MMが、人形ではなく、人間に見える映画。



帰らざる河の主題歌の場面なら、YOUTUBEで無料で見られる。マリリンの歌は特別。有名なのはケネディ大統領誕生日に歌ったHappy Birthday!


"I have never actually seen this movie, which was released in 1954. It was the year that Marilyn Monroe met Joe DiMaggio, and the year that Robert Capa came to Japan and later died in Vietnam from stepping on a landmine. I watched the movie on DVD once, and then saw it again on satellite TV on New Year's Day. I was moved by it, and surprised at how talented Marilyn Monroe was as an actress. I searched for it on Amazon Prime and UNEXT, but couldn't find it. However, I did find it on YouTube for just ¥300 in HD, and watched it twice. From a modern perspective, the portrayal of Native Americans is stereotypical, and the confession of love (which is clearly not a confession but rather an attempt at coercion) appears to be rape-like, so there are many aspects that can be criticized from today's standpoint. Nevertheless, I believe that we should not judge the past by modern standards, and this movie is still attractive. Above all, Marilyn's rejection is realistically portrayed, revealing her darkness and acting skills."


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