About 20 days have passed after the onset of sciatica. When I wake up in the morning and go to the bathroom, I just hope that I won't have any pain today, just hoping. But when I shave more, it starts to hurt. is.
I can endure the pain for about 3 minutes after standing up, so I try to finish cooking and cleaning up in 3 minutes. I feel like I've become Ultraman. After 3 minutes, I have no choice but to sit in a chair, my M87 nebula and wait for recovery.
In the meantime, I went to see my family in Vancouver, because I already had tickets. The pain of sciatica makes it difficult to wait in long lines. Therefore, I asked the airline staff for help, and she said "Shall we get the wheelchair ready for you?
I thought it was exaggerated because I can walk if it's three minutes.
Then I thought that older people must have feel resistance to their first wheelchair. Once, I was put on a wheelchair after surgery under general anesthesia and felt uncomfortable. And this time it's sensory nerve pain. Motor nerves are unaffected.
Using wheelchair without considering much, I see this is how the elderly lose their functions. If elderly people have a risk of falls and pain, then people around him will recommend the use of walkers or wheelchairs. I wish I could recommend rehabilitation together at this time, but it tends to be forgotten.
"Isn't there also a cane?" exactly. On this trip, I had a suitcase with wheels that supported me as a cane.
Humans evolve from quadrupedal locomotion to bipedal locomotion to tripodal locomotion. And since the tripod is followed by four wheels. The ancient riddle of the Sphinx should be changed as, what has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, three legs in the evening, and four wheels at night?
The airport is also a place where you must walk quite a distance. It would be nice if there were chairs and sofas along the way, but there are surprisingly few airports, and they seem to think that wheelchairs is enough for people with disabilities.
As someone who also works in the development of assistive devices, I felt the need to be aware that the newly introduced assistive devices might hurt the self-esteem of the elderly and deprive them of their independence.
Just after watching The Godfather CODA (old part III), Michael Corleone, after his collapse from a diabetes attack, gets a visit from his wife Kay, He said "I've become a little smarter after being sick."
I hope I have got smarter after having sciatica.