Episode 7_The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House Filming Locations You Can Visit
日本語版/Japanese version
Netflix drama The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House was filmed in Kyoto.
Below are some filming locations you can visit in Kyoto and my recommendations.
And trivia about Kyoto culture.
Please visit Kyoto and find your favorite.
I hope everyone likes Japanese culture and Kyoto.
Episode 7 - 00:00
It was New Year's Eve.
Kiyo and Sumire received holy sparks from the Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社) and took them home.
It is said that if you eat OZONI(お雑煮), a Japanese New Year's dish made from the fire source given to you from the Yasaka Shrine, you will be able to pass the year safely. It's called Wokeramairi. (をけら詣り)
There are so many traditional and seasonal events only in Kyoto. Wokeramairi is one of them.
Kiyo and Sumire wore HANTEN(半纏), a traditional Japanese coat.
Episode 7 - 02:10
Kiyo and Sumire listened to the New Year's Eve Bell, Joya-no-Kane(除夜の鐘)
Joya-no-Kane is the ringing of temple bells around midnight on December 31st. To ward off evil spirits of the passing year and to welcome the New Year. At many temples, the monks hit 108 times. It is said that 108 means the number of Kleshas.
Kiyo and Sumire tried to count to 108, but they gave up.
There are so many temples in Kyoto that we can hear a lot of bells ringing around midnight on New Year's Eve.
The Chionin temple is well-known for its vast Joya-no-Kane.
I was there and could feel the sound reverberate throughout my body.
At some temples, worshipers can also hit the Joya-no-Kane.
If you want to hit any temple bell in Kyoto, please visit Shorenin temple. (青蓮院)
You can hit the bell on any date.
Episode 7 - 04:40
KAGAMI-MOCHI(鏡餅), Japanese traditional New Year decoration mochi.
Hiroshi broke this KAGAMI-MOCHI at Episode 7 - 16:30
Episode 7 - 05:20
Kiyo made OZONI (お雑煮)from the fire source at the Yasaka Shrine.
There are so many variations of OZONI in Japan. Kiyo made Kyoto-style OZONI with white MISO(白味噌).
This is a good list of where we can eat Kyoto-style OZONI.
Episode 7 - 06:00
They played Hyakunin-Isshu-Karuta. (百人一首かるた)
Episode 7 - 07:00
Kiyo and Sumire opened FUKUDAMA(福玉)
It's a New Year present to Maiko-san from fans. Popular Maiko-san receives a lot of FUKUDAMA.
I assume Chiyo gave it to Kiyo and Sumire because Chiyo feels sorry that Kiyo and Sumire did not go back to their hometown, Aomori, on New Year's Day.
FUKUDAMA is a unique culture that is only in Kyoto.
Episode 7 - 10:30
Kiyo, Sumire, Tsurukoma, and Kikuno walked on the Shijo-Ohashi bridge (四条大橋)from east to west.
This McDonald's is where they went.
In Kyoto, vivid colors on signage are prohibited. McDonald's back color is brown, not red.
Episode 7 - 11:30
They crossed the Kojin Tobiishi (荒神飛石)by singing the OZASHIKI-ASOBI song, TORA TORA(お座敷遊び歌 虎虎). They are incredibly adorable.
Kamo-Gawa River (鴨川) is a popular filming spot in Kyoto.
The Makanai and many other movies and dramas were shot in the Kamo-Gawa River.
This is a map of stepping stones on the Kamo-Gawa River.
Episode 7 - 12:10
Kikuno and Tsurukoma wore the black formal Kimono for the Gion New Year Opening Ceremony.(祇園始業式)
Episode 7 - 15:20
Hiroshi hung Ninkiooyose from the ceiling, which is amulet for hoping that people's connections will expand and become more popular.
Episode 7 - 17:50
Kiyo cooked KAKI-MOCHI(かき餅), fried mochi which was the KAGAMI-MOCHI(鏡餅) Hiroshi broke at episode 7 - 04:40
KAGAMIBIRAKI(鏡開き) is the event of eating KAGAMI-MOCHI on January 11th.
There are so many variations of KAGAMIBIRAKI in Japan. Kiyo is made in a salty Kyoto style for everyone and is a soy source flavor for Kotono. Kotono is from the Kanto area.
Episode 7 - 22:30
Kiyo crossed the Sanjo-Ohashi. (三条大橋)
Kiyo got deep-fried Tofu, Abura-age(油揚げ) at Demachi-Masugata shopping street. (出町枡形商店街)
Episode 7 - 23:40
Kiyo went to Tanaka dried bonito shop (田中鰹節店) to get broth from it.
Episode 7 - 26:10
Kiyo went to Okada-ya, a kombu seaweed(昆布) shop.
We can make delicious broth(Dashi)(だし) from bonito flakes(鰹節) and kombu seaweed.(昆布)
Episode 7 - 32:10
Kiyo made KITSUNE-UDON (きつねうどん)for Sumire.
If you want to try KITSUNE-UDON, please visit Gion Gonbei.(祇園権兵衛)
Episode 7 - 32:30
Sumire put HIEPITA (冷えピタ) on her forehead. It is an antipyretic compress.
Very useful when you have a fever, please try it.
We can get at convinience store or drug store.
Episode 7 - 34:55
Furutachi, Seino, and Tanabe forecasted the annual ranking of Geiko and Maiko-san with their Senjafuda. (千社札)
Anyone can order Senjafuda with their name.
I would not list where not for tourists.