I listened to a lecture by Mr. Fumihiro Iguchi, a master of life and stationery at Asakatsu Network Nagoya.
Mr. Fumihiro, a master of my life philosophy and how to use stationery, will give a lecture at Asakatsu Network Nagoya, so I got up early and listened to it. This is the 6th lecture by Mr. Fumihiro, and I attend almost every time because the talk is interesting and deep.
I am really grateful that he listens to various stories when I am troubled at work and guides me in a good direction, and as the stationery king of Aichi, he gives me information on various useful stationery. I can thank you enough. In this lecture, he talked about problem solving and reasons for setting goals while interweaving the story of stationery.
Nowadays, too many people want to ask for "HOW" immediately to solve the problem. First of all, if you do not identify "WHERE" and solve it from there, it will not be a true problem solution. For example, if you take medicine if you get sick, your condition will temporarily subside, but you will not be able to find a true solution unless you search for and identify the cause of your illness. Depression can also be temporarily improved with psychotropic drugs, but it will recur soon unless the root cause of the depression is removed. Do not solve the problem easily with "HOW", but first identify "WHERE" and solve the problem.
Tom Peters's "Salaryman Great Counterattack Strategy Series" was recommended as a book to solve the problem. It is a trilogy, and we recommend reading "Become a brand person!", "Make a difference with a sexy project!", And "Become an intelligent sales professional!" As a set. As soon as I knew that Mr. Fumihiro was reading, I read it and lined it up on the bookshelf as a lifelong book.
Mr. Fumihiro reads this book every New Year and puts it together on one A4 sheet, and he measures his evolution by comparing it with the past ones. I read it only once, so I will read it again soon and write a book review.
In addition, I have been keeping a 4-year spread diary that I write in only one frame every month, and I have already entered the 4th year. This will be imitated from next year. I was frustrated by the daily writing type 5 year diary, but I think I can continue with this.
The latest stationery solves various problems. Right now, Fumihiro's favorite is AirPods Pro. It is said that the noise canceling function is wonderful and it is often attached without listening to music. There are rumors that new AirPods will be released, so I'm watching the situation, but I'll buy a new one from AirPods soon.
Maruman's sketchbook, Nemocine's memo pad, highlighter "Juice Up", "Multi Eight" that can draw 8 kinds of colors, and "Pressman 0.9mm" of mechanical pencil are useful as a useful tool when making a plan.
The story of stationery was light this time, and the next one was "How to become a person who comes to work?"
The most important thing is to "improve the quality of humane service". To name a few ...
・ If there is a requested job, increase the number without changing the volume
・ Shift the viewpoint and add a new viewpoint
・ Submit the delivery date ahead of schedule (only for those who like it)
・ If you are in trouble, I will help you
・ I'll wait till the end
If you do this, you will become a person who will come to work all the time. By the way, we do not advance the delivery date to anyone, but only to those who like or like. Once you shorten the delivery time, some people will tell you a short deadline, but try to stay away from them as much as possible.
In the coming era, it will be important to calculate back from the target deliverables, think about things, and prepare what you need. One of them is to use convenient stationery that increases motivation and efficiency. The trend in the world is shifting from membership type to job type, and this tendency becomes even stronger.
At the question time after the lecture, I asked, "I bought a 0.2mm mechanical pencil of 【Orensnero】 that costs 3,000 yen, but I rarely use it. How do you use it, Mr. Fumihiro?" Occasionally "I can draw a line like a woman's hair by pulling it out of the drawer. It's worth trying to write it. It's worth knowing that I paid 3,000 yen but rarely used it. So I was able to use it as a material, so I was able to get the money back. " As expected answer.
And the question was completely unrelated to the stationery material, but "My daughter in the first grade of junior high school got a ridiculously low score in the final exam. I'm going to teach because the way of studying is wrong. Has no ears to listen at all. When asked, "How can you ask me honestly?", "It's not a daughter's problem, it's a parent's problem. It doesn't matter to the daughter, so leave it alone. Children are parents. I don't own it and I don't want my parents to tell me anything. I'm in trouble and I'm the one who solves it. You don't have to teach me until the person tells you to tell me. Test Even if the score is low, life will be managed. "Once again, I received a wonderful answer.
I think there are probably many parents who are worried about similar projects, but I was refreshed to hear Mr. Fumihiro's answer. For a while, I would like to keep an eye on the situation without saying anything from here, and respond with full-concentrated breathing only when asked.
It was worth getting up early this time as well, listening to a story with a lot of learning. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Miyazaki, the organizer, for providing such a place!
Thank you for reading it until the very end!