
Is It Too Much To A Four-Year-Old ?Organizing My Son’s After-School Schedule

Today, I want to organize a regular schedule for my son’s after-school classes. Currently, he is enrolled in six classes: Japanese, Math, English at an international preschool on Saturdays, swimming, Lego school and Chinese online class. Last month, I removed soccer from his schedule based on his own preference, as he expressed that it was no longer something he wanted to pursue.

I believe that the capabilities of a child’s brain are enormous, especially in the early stages of their development. At this age, it is challenging to identify which fields might capture their interest the most or in which areas they may naturally excel. As parents, if we do not expose our children to a variety of experiences, we miss the opportunity to discover their true potential and passions. Therefore, I decided to enroll my son in multiple after-school classes, not to overwhelm him, but to explore which activities resonate most with him and nurture his growth.

My son has shown a strong interest in most of the activities I’ve introduced to him, which makes me feel fulfilled and happy as a parent. It’s wonderful to see him curious and enthusiastic about learning new things. However, I’ve noticed that sometimes he seems exhausted from the demanding schedule, particularly the Japanese and Math lessons at KUMON during weekdays. His daycare teachers have mentioned that he is very focused and can concentrate for long periods without getting distracted, which is a wonderful trait. However, after spending so much energy at daycare, he then has to go directly to KUMON to complete 10 pages each of two subjects, making sure to avoid mistakes.

Our usual routine on the days when we need to attend the KUMON class in person is that I pick him up from daycare around 6:30 pm, and we go straight to KUMON without much time for a proper meal. He typically works on his assignments for an hour, and we don’t finish dinner until nearly 8 pm. I sometimes worry that this might be too harsh and strict for a four-year-old child. Other kids his age have more free time to play with their favorite toys and explore activities that they naturally enjoy, while my son is already tackling homework at the level of a second grader. It’s still difficult for me to determine whether this intense schedule is the best choice for him or not.

Despite the challenges, he seems to enjoy doing advanced homework. He knows all of the Hiragana, Katakana, and even some Kanji, which is impressive for his age. He can read picture books by himself when I’m not available to read to him. His daycare teachers and peers often praise him for his knowledge and abilities, which boosts his confidence and motivates him further. However, lately, he has been expressing a desire to quit KUMON because it is too tiring for him. I’ve been trying to encourage him to be persistent and not give up. I believe that learning perseverance and dedication is crucial, and I want to teach him that effort and hard work are necessary if you want to achieve something worthwhile.

Our Saturday schedule is as follows:

• 9:30 am - 1:30 pm: English international preschool
• 2:00 pm: Swimming
• 4:00 pm: Lego class
    •    10:00am - 10:25am on Sunday:Online Chinese class

I try to reserve at least one day a week for family outings, using this cherished time to create memorable experiences together, which is essential for our family bonding and his overall well-being.

As I navigate this journey of parenting, I’m continually learning to strike a balance between nurturing his intellectual development and ensuring he has time to enjoy his childhood. While it’s tempting to fill his schedule with various activities, I’m also aware of the importance of downtime and unstructured play. My ultimate goal is to provide him with diverse opportunities so that he can discover his passions and strengths. At the same time, I need to be mindful of his limits and ensure that he’s not overwhelmed.

I will continue to monitor his responses and feelings towards these activities. If necessary, I’ll make adjustments to his schedule to ensure he is happy and well-balanced. Parenting is a continuous learning process, and I hope to support my son in finding joy in his learning journey while also giving him the freedom to be a child.

