
My son’s First Trial In An International Preschool Surprised Me At How Adaptable Children Are.

My son started attending an international Saturday preschool three weeks ago. Initially, I was filled with anxiety about how he would cope in a completely new environment where everyone speaks English—a language that is still quite challenging for him to understand. I anticipated that the school might offer a shortened trial period for newcomers, allowing them time to adjust, but to my surprise, from the very first day, my son was expected to stay for the full class duration. This unexpected approach made me feel both surprised and concerned, so much so that I decided to pick him up earlier than the official dismissal time during his first session.

When I arrived, I was prepared to comfort a child who might be overwhelmed or anxious. Yet, to my astonishment, my son greeted me with a big smile, showing no signs of discomfort or unease. He seemed genuinely happy. Despite this, a part of me remained skeptical. I wondered how he could navigate the language barrier, how he could understand instructions in English, and how he was communicating with his classmates and teachers. After every class, he brought home a large stack of worksheets. The preschool doesn’t use a set curriculum or textbooks; instead, they provide activity sheets that test cognitive skills with questions like, “Circle the first person standing in line,” or “Identify the object that doesn’t belong in the group.” I couldn’t believe it, but all of his answers were correct.

Curious and a little doubtful, I asked him if the teacher had explained everything to him in Japanese, thinking perhaps the school made exceptions for students for trials.But my son confidently said that the teacher spoke only in English and that he understood what teachers told him to do.At first, it seemed like a mystery to me—how could he interact with others?how he answered these questions correctly?However, the preschool maintains a strict English-only policy, and I have to believe in what he’s experiencing. The whole situation made me marvel at the adaptability of children. They absorb new knowledge with incredible speed, like sponges soaking up water, and they adjust to new environments in ways that often surprise us as adults. This experience has given me confidence in my son’s capacity to navigate challenges and grow in ways I might not have imagined. I’m excited to see how his language skills and understanding evolve in the coming months.

On a personal note, I’ve also experienced growth in how I approach socializing as a parent. In recent weekends, I’ve been spending time with other parents whose children are friends with my son. After having children, I became somewhat reluctant to organize gatherings. I often found the social obligations draining, as they required a lot of energy to meet others' expectations and keep up with the pace of group dynamics. It sometimes left me feeling anxious or stressed. However, these recent meet-ups have shifted my perspective. I realized that when you’re with friends who allow you to be your true self, without the constant need to accommodate others’ feelings or needs, it’s a much more enjoyable experience.

We chatted easily, sharing stories and laughter, all while watching our children play together with so much joy. At the end of the day, my son told me how much he enjoyed being with his friends, even saying he felt happier than when it was just him, me, and my husband. His innocent, heartfelt expression made me reflect on the importance of these connections—not just for him, but for me as well. Being part of a community and sharing experiences with others brings a sense of fulfillment that’s different from the joy of being with immediate family. It’s a reminder that while we may cherish our close-knit family moments, there’s also immense value in building relationships outside of that circle.

Watching my son adapt to his new environment so effortlessly, despite my initial worries, has shown me how resilient and capable children are. They face challenges with a sense of curiosity and optimism that is truly inspiring. On a personal level, I’ve also been reminded that stepping outside my comfort zone can lead to unexpected rewards. Whether it’s encouraging my son to engage with the world or reconnecting with friends, these experiences enrich our lives in ways that staying within our bubble never could.

