
A brave Taiwanese girl’s life on Yonaguni Island rekindled my original dream

I just finished my lunch, and during that time, I watched a YouTube video on my phone. It featured a Taiwanese woman in her 20s, who is living on Yonaguni Island as part of a regional support organization. Since my family and I visited Ishigaki Island in June, including our two children, I felt an immediate connection when I saw the peaceful, rural landscape in the video. The beauty of the scenery brought back vivid memories of our trip, and I was reminded of how much I cherish those moments spent with my loved ones. Before visiting Ishigaki, I hadn’t fully realized just how close Taiwan is to the far-western islands of Japan. Seeing the video brought those realizations into focus and reminded me of how interconnected these places are, despite their apparent isolation.

The video also made me reflect on the Taiwanese woman’s journey. Her decision to live in such a remote place, overcoming language barriers and the physical isolation of the island, showed a level of bravery that I deeply admire. It reminded me of my own long-standing dream of living a nomadic lifestyle—free from being anchored to one place. Before I got married, this was something I imagined for myself often, but I never took the practical steps necessary to turn it into a reality. As a result, over the years, the intensity of my passion for that ideal life has faded, as life’s commitments grew.

What struck me the most about this young woman was how she wasn’t deterred by the obstacles in her path. Despite living on an island vulnerable to intense typhoons and with limited transportation, she embraced the slower pace of life, saying that she loved not feeling rushed. She was also deeply moved by the island’s greenery and landscape, which mirrored the beauty I had experienced with my family on Ishigaki. But what resonated with me the most was her desire to become a bridge between Taiwan and Yonaguni. Her mission gave her purpose beyond personal fulfillment—it was a commitment to something greater than herself.

Watching her story unfold made me reflect on how different my own life is now, with two young children and many responsibilities. Living a nomadic lifestyle seems far out of reach at this stage in my life. However, I was inspired by her ability to follow her heart and make her dreams a reality. While my circumstances may prevent me from fully living that kind of lifestyle, I realized that I can still embrace elements of it. For example, I can plan more family trips and adventures, introducing my children to different cultures and places, as long as it is financially feasible. This, in itself, can bring a sense of freedom and exploration to my life, even if it’s not the full nomadic experience I once dreamed of.

Watching the story of this brave Taiwanese woman reminded me of my own unfulfilled dreams and rekindled my desire for a life of exploration and growth. Even though my path may look different now, I can still take steps toward that ideal by incorporating more travel and discovery into my family life. The key takeaway for me is that it’s never too late to make adjustments toward your dreams, even if they come in a different form than originally imagined. By creating new experiences with my family, I can find fulfillment and meaning, much like the young woman who inspired me today.

The YouTube episode is below for your reference.


