BE:FIRST You’re My “BESTY” #41 - How to Read the Words Ryuhei & Ryoki Wrote
ごりごりまなと Gorigori Manato
= Extream Manato
くいずたいかい kuizu taikai
= quiz competition
kaado geemu・boodo geemu
= card game and board game
てーまぱーく teema paaku
= theme park
えぬびーえーかんせん NBA kansen
= watching NBA games
・バッカー・・・バスケ x サッカー
ばっかー・・・ばすけ x さっかー bakkaa … basuke x sakkaa
= boccer … a sport combined basketball and soccer
だれが いちばん おいしい おつまみ つくれるか せんしゅけん
dare ga ichiban oishii otsumami tsukureru ka senshuken
= chanpionship who make the best appetizer
→ ゲストの方に食べてもらう (?)
げすとの かた に たべてもらう (?)
= Have guests eat. (?)
かいがいきかく kaigai kikaku
= overseas projects
てーまぱーく teema paaku
= theme park
nandemo yaritai
= challenging everything
えーえすえむあーる・・・ あげもの ASMR … agemono
=ASMR … deep fried
きせき ちゃれんじ kiseki charenji
= miracle challenges
・SOTA x HIKAKINさんビートボックスコラボ
そうた ひかきんさん biito bokkusu korabo
= SOTA x HIKAKIN-san, collabotation for beat box
すきな さっかーくらぶ の しあいかんせん しにいく
suki na sakkaa kurabu no shiai kansenn shini iku
= Watching games of favorite soccer clubs
どらいぶ doraibu
= drive
だんすの さくひんづくり
= creating dance
= collaboration with HIKAKIN-san (a popular YouTuber)
HikakinTV - YouTube
えーえすえむあーる ASMR
・YouTuberやサッカー選手とコラボ (伊藤選手推し♡)
ゆーちゅーばー や さっかーせんしゅ と こらぼ (いとうせんしゅ おし♡)
YouTuber ya sakkaa senshu to korabo (Ito senshu oshi♡)
= collaboration with YouTubers and soccer players (stan of Mr. Ito, Junya♡)
だんす いべんと らんにゅう dansu ibento rannyu
= intruding dance events
おおぐい oogui
= competitive eating
・🎂作り (ケーキ作り)
けえき ずくり keeki zukuri
= making cakes
・🐩あそびたい (犬と遊びたい)
いぬ と あそびたい inu to asobitai
= wanto to play with dogs
ぶいどきゅ せいさく
= Creating V-logs
てつめん tetsu men
BE:FIRST didn't explain what it is.
ばりすた barisuta
= barista
こんびに konbini
= convenience store
おまけ omake (bonus)
うすぴー usu pii
= Product name of bean confectionery sold by Kasugai Confectionery Co.
Please use the translation function to see the below website.