
D.U.N.K. Digest #4 - 2/23/2024

From YouTube, D.U.N.K. Official

D.U.N.K. MV Shooting Documentary

Narrator: Recently released and much talked about, D.U.N.K. music video. Tonight, we are going to show the behind the scenes of the music video for the first time.

SKY-HI: Good morning. Welcome. It’s 3:30 am.
It’s actually 11:00 am.
Staff: Please don’t lie.
SKY-HI: Ahahaha. I was trying to show a sense of difficulty for  the work.
Staff: You're going to dance cypher today, aren’t you?
SKY-HI: Yes, that’s right. I think it’s very important, not practicing or dancing choreograph. We just have fun. The ultimate goal of DUNK is to create a country where the audience can dance when they see the live performance. I feel like that will change a lot of things.

Narrator: The dance in this music video is freestyle in which each person dances as he pleases. KENZO from DA PUMP, a winner of the world chance competition for 8 years in a row and YUMA from &TEAM are here.

Yuma: I’d like to improve more.
SKY-HI: You’re cool.
Yuma: Thank you very much.
SKY-HI: You have grown up so much.
(Yuma has performed with Sky High when he was a child.)
Yuma: Thank you for inviting me.
SKY-HI: Great. I’m so glad.

Kenzo: He’s Yuma-kun.
Yuma: He’s Kenzo-san.
Kenzo: Thank you.
Yuma: I copied your song “U.S.A” so much.
Kenzo: Were you 13 or 14 years old 4 years ago?
Yuma: Yes.
Kenzo: A middle school student…
Yuma: I am so honored to dance with the person I was copying.


Kenzo: Sota was my student.
Yuma: Was he?
Kenzo: He won the world competition with my choreography.
Yuma: Wow! That’s awesome.

Narrator: Dance together by master and pupil who won the world competitions. High level dance performance by his student Souta.

Staff: How is the cypher going?
Sota: It’s fun.
Kenzo: The improvisation that can only be shown here is amazing, and it's a lot of fun.
SKY-HI: It looks fun. It looks fun.
Kenzo: It’s great.
SKY-HI: Why did that guy come out?

SKY-Papa: I'm just a spectator.
SKY-Hi: He’s my father.

Narrator: He is Mr. Mitsunobu Hidaka, a former pilot and SKY-HI’s father who often appears on SKY-HI’'s YouTube.

SKY-HI: Today, my father’s steps have been created. My father doesn't have to perform, but I'm glad because I definitely wanted someone who is not a dancer who can't dance to participate. 

Kenzo: He’s energetic.

Narrator: D.U.N.K.music video is now on the official D,U.N.K. website. Check it out.



Admired Artists of BE:FIRST, &TEAM, and Yuta Nakatsuka from GENERATIONS

 SKY-HI: Who is your dream boy group? Sota?
Sota: For the group, I would say BIGBANG. They are a group, who make explosions of their personalities, and look very cool when I think and think about our future.
SKY-HI: They do not have conflicting personalities among the members. I think that each of them has their own area for sure.
Ryoki: Me, too. BIGBANG. I thought that when I became BE:FIRST we could be like BIGBANG. It is because of these members that we can respect each other's individuality. I thought seven of us could do it, so from that day I started saying "BE:FIRST" instead of "BIGBANG. For real these guys are sick!
All: Ahahahahaha.
Sota: You have a strange way of thinking.
Manato: What a mess.
SKY-HI: As for that part, I will not use it on the air even if I willed to.
All: Ahahahahaha.
But that scene was used as you watch.

SKY-HI: How about Shunto?
Shunto: I like the artist, AAA.
(SKY-HI is a member of AAA who is on hiatus.)
SKY-HI: I don’ know about them well.
All: Ahahahahaha.
SKY-HI: I may have heard of them at least once.
All: Ahahahahaha.
Shunto: There is a person who inspired me to seriously pursue music in the group, and I still admire him very much.
SKY:HI: What is the group doing now? 
All: Ahahahahaha.
Tsukasa: It was a bad question.
All: Ahahahahaha.
Shunto: I’ve been waiting for them.
SKY-HI: Yes. Arigato gozaimasu.
Shunto: Arigato gozaimasu.
SKY-HI: Shunto and Junon have started talking about AAA as "a certain group" in interviews.  I feel sorry for them in the opposite direction out of concern for me. So I told them it's OK to say AAA, and this is the first time for Shunto saying AAA.
All: Ahahahahaha.

SKY-HI: Which dance and vocal group did you admire, Nakatsuka-san?
Tsukasa: Recently, I have started listening to k-pop. I really like SEVENTEEN. Hoshi-san is a very good dancer. I first saw him when he was blonde and thought he looked cool with his short blonde hair, so I’ve gotten blonde too.
All: Ahahahahaha.
SKY-HI: That is the first information that I didn't expect.

SKY-HI: How about Ryuhei?
Ryuhei: BTS is what made me want to join the group. They know the way of shining, plus they dance greatly in unison and have a sense of unity which is beautiful to watch.
SKY-HI: It certainly seems to me that they were the turning point in history when people became more aesthetically conscious about dancing perfectly in sync. BTS is senior to &TEAM. How was co-starring with J-HOPE?
K: I almost cried the first time I met someone. He understood the pain we were going through and said many warm words which were very touching  to us when we met him.  The very first time I had a dream was when I watched Bruno Mars. Then I went to Los Angeles to study dance. Then I saw BTS showing outstandings on TV shows in the U.S. The performance was so cool that it gave me a dream to do this. I immediately returned to Japan because I wanted to do it in HYBE. Then I joined HIVE by chance a month later and joined I-LAND about seven months after that.
SKY-HI: What? You mean you came back to Japan, and it was decided to join HYBE in that month?
K: I really wouldn't be here now if there wasn’t the moment I saw BTS on TV.
SKY-HI: That’s true.
K: Yes.
SKY-HI: Sometimes life is pretty much like that. I believe that the mere thought of an idea can affect the entire future one, two, or ten years later. Thank you very much for sharing the wonderful story.

Here are the music videos for the cypher they had on the TV program.
