Show Minor Savage / SUPER ICY - Behind The Scenes - 3/4/2023
From YouTubu, ShowMinorSavage_official
I’ve been running here. This place was a running course. It's called onitore (a hard training) course. Emo! (emotional, nostalgic)
My teeth are chattering (from the cold).
Everyone, when you come to Shonan, I recommend it in summer.
It is a song like an introduction of myself that I can write now because we have reunited while I and Manato together and Shota-kun separated are on different paths. We were born before BE:FIRST, so I am happy to be able to do this after I've improved a little and am happy at first that it has taken form so quickly.
I feel great. This is the first time I've shot something like this in Shonan, surprisingly. I finally got a shot. I'm glad I put "wave" in the lyrics. We were thinking of making a summery party tune, so I immediately associated it with the song. This is where I used to have training, so it’s perfect.
Manato: This place is nice. My place was like this.
Staff: Did you perform at a live music club?
Manato: Yes, I did when I was a high school student.
Staff: By solo?
Manato: Some times solo. I didn’t use instruments. I usually did it by karaoke. At that time, I had my own songs I wrote.
Staff: Are those sleeping now?
Manato: Yes, they are sleeping. Seriously, it’s embarraring, so I wouldn’t say more.
The first big thing was that I’ve got to meet two of them who I wouldn’t have a chance to meet in general. Three of us had a common understanding that our favorite music was cool, so we had a perfect chemistry since we were at the audition. I have had the opportunity to stand on this kind of stage many times in Fukuoka, a place that is very dear to me. I have the opportunity to relate with many people in Tokyo and shoot many different kinds of videos. When I think about it, I realize that the experiences I gained in Fukuoka have not been in vain by shooting music videos in a similar environment, even though I feel the same way after I've joined BE:FIRST.
Manato: The beer was good. That's not what you want. No, it was fun.
Staff: I like the free dance music video very much.
Manato: I haven’t had it before. Yes, I have. But it was used or not used. It is a rare opportunity to dance in a place with no audience. Moreover, the mirror ball reminds me of a similar environment like my memorable place that makes me very happy to be in. And at the same time, I feel sad when I am old enough to drink. I also feel happy, though. When I went to places like here, I was still old enough to drink. I’m having it now.
The scene where I am alone is the same scene as Aurora Tokio.
I think it's also very emotional that Aile The Shota, now with Show Minor Savage, can shoot in the same place as my debut song. The director, Issei-kun, is someone I have wanted to work with for a long time, and he is able to bring out the atmosphere that I want to bring out in this way.
Sota: I would be very happy if people simply watch this music video and think that we are making music in such a fun atmosphere at such a place and will continue to make music in the future. I hope that people can get the sense of our normal, lively atmosphere from a third party.
Shota: I cannot play.
Manato: You look like you are good at it.
Sota: Do you want to eat this?
Manato: I won’t eat it.
Sota: ♬We’re Show Minor Savage.
Shota: We’re Club JRL.
Manato: Haaai.
Sota: Thaanks.
Manato: Pleaase.
Sota: We’re RANREI.
Manato: We’re 96.
Shota: We’re 96 Black.
Manato: We are shooting the images of us as we really are, in our private life. I think it would be interesting to see the balance between us now and us in the past by shooting three of us in the places where we originally had our roots.
Shota: I would like Show Minor Savage to have more live performances in the future. I would like to take SUPER ICY and go to various places including DUNK to play music that we can show our persuasion.
Manato: How have you been? I’m good.
Shota: We’ll do Show Minor Savage as the name suggests.