
D.U.N.K. Digest #5 - 3/2/2023

From YouTube, D.U.N.K. Official

Narrator: A day in January, 2023. 
SKY-HI: DUNK, Bowling Club.
All: Yeah

Narrator: This time, ten people join from five members each from BE:FIRST and &TEAM. Teams are chosen by lottery. The teams are divided into two mixed teams from BE:FIRST and &TEAM.

SKYI-HI: Show your team. 1, 2. 3.
All: I’m A! I’m B!
SKY-HI: Since this is a special time, why don’t you decide on your team names for A and B.
Leo: Some of them are in checked shirts. Checkers!
Narrator: Manato, Junon, shunto, EJ, and Taki are Checkers.

SKY-HI: Some of you in Team B are in denims. 
K: How about Edwin?
Leo: It’s good! Edo Win.
(Edo = old name for Tokyo)
Narrator: Leo, Ryuuhei, K, Yuma and Nicholas are in Edo Win.

Narrator: The first player is Taki, who has experienced five consecutive gutters, from Checkers.
Taki: I get nervous when I'm the first one.
SKY-HI: Oh yes. Everyone is looking at you.
K: I start!
SKY-HI: Good luck.
- Gutter -
Manatol: It’s OK.
K: I’m sorry.
Narrator: Many gutters happened due to nervousness in the beginning. In the second frame, Nicholas also got the gutter. In the third frame, neither team is dull at all. After the third frame, the score is 14-3. While they have a hard time getting a good score, SKY-HI proposes an additional rule.

SKY-HI: How about saying something before you throw?
Shunto: Say something?
SKY-HI: Say nice things BE:FIRST for &TEAM and &TEAM for BE:FIRST. Because you guys are co-staring.
Narrator: This additional rule causes further turbulence.
Shunto: I’m throwing. Their dances are too in sync!
- Gutter - 
K: That can be disturbed!
SKY-HI: Can be disturbed!
Narrator: They are distracted by praises. 
EJ: Their performance is cool!
- Gutter - 
Manato: Arigato. Arigato.
Narrator: Making many gutters in a row. A white-hot by one-pin after the first half.
Taki: The black outfits look too good on BE:FIRST-san!
-Gutter -.

Narrator: Checkers rallies in the second half, starting with Taki’s gutter.
Shunto: Is &TEAM-san not tall enough?
Narrator: Shunto recovers this.
K: BE:FIRST-san, easy to approach!
Leo: Arigato!
SKY-HI: That line looks easy to get a spare.
Narrator: Here finally.
Leo: Let us use a SKY-HI chance.
(SKY-HI chance = They can have him throw in on their behalf.)
SKY-HI: Leave it to me.
K: It would be really cool to take this down.
Narrator: Can he show the CEO's willpower?
K: Almost! He looked like a pro.
Leo: Boss, arigato gozaimasu.
Narrator: SKY-HI makes it a one-pin difference by SKY-HI chance.

Narrator: In the seventh frame, Manato from Checkers hit 9 pins. Leo from Edo Win hit 8 pins.
Leo: It wasn’t bad. It wasn’t bad.

Narrator: In the eighth frame, a close with two points difference, one throwing controls the game. (Junon got a strike.) Edo Win is in a tight spot. Two frames remain. Checkers has a chance to lead the points. On the other hand, Edo Win’s scores are pretty tough if they don't get strikes in a row.

Taki: I shouldn’t make the gutter.
SKY-HI:That’s right.
Taki: Yabai.
SKY-HI: Why don't you just throw it like rolling gently?
Narrator: An important throwing.
Taki: Why did it go that way? I’m sorry.
Manato: Nice! You hit it.
Narrator: In this scene that makes the difference between winning and losing.
Shunto: SKY-HI chance! Please get a high score. How many pins am I going to have to hit to be correct?
Narrator: Does he live up to expectations this time?
SKY-HI: Everyone! Arigato for all the time!
Shunto: I'm thankful!
Narrator: Betting on a comeback here, K with experience of 7 consecutive strikes throws a ball. Does he get the strike?
Shunto: Doesn’t it look hard to get the strike?
Narrator: The split is difficult to take the spare even for professionals. Edo Win is  in a desperate situation. 
Leo: I take off my jacket.
Narrator: Leo, can he make a miracle?
- Spare -
Narrator: He gets the spare of crisis recovery.
Leo: Did you see it!! The game is not over yet!

Narrator: The deciding factor for the winner is a single throw by Edo Win. The key is how many pins they can hit, as the bonus for the spare on the ninth frame. Checkers can keep the score away if the strike is made here.
K: Shunto was good.
SKY-HI: OK, it’s EJ-kun’s turn.
Narrator: EJ, who is making all gutters, can he be a hero at the last moment?
- Gutter - 
Shunto: Sorry! I was bad!
Narrator: Today is Yuma’s first time bowling and he throws. Does he really make a miracle?
- Gutter -
Narrator: And at the last, Ryuhei hits one pin to set the game.
SKY-HI: The winner is Checkers! It was a good game.
